- “你想到过那件事吗?”“从来没有。” "Have you ever thought of that?" "Not for a moment."
- 我可以过一会儿再谈你那件事吗? Can I come back to you on that one (ie on that subject) later?
- 她竟先想到那件事,为此他很不痛快。 It irked him that she had thought of it first.
- "别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。" "Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him."
- 我奇怪, 在所有人当中只有你想着那件事. I'm surprised that you of all people think that.
- "你不能带玛丽去参加晚会,她是我的女朋友。" "是这么回事吗?" "You can't take Mary to the party- She's my girl." "Says who?"
- "护士,我什么时候可以回家?" "我想,可能下周末吧,不过,那该由医生决定。" "When will I be allowed to go home, nurse?" "Towards the end of the week, I should think, but it's for the doctor to decide."
- "你的假期过得怎样?" -- "嗯,也有玩得不错的时候。" "How was your holiday?" - "Well, it had its moments."
- "很抱歉在这个时候给你打电话。" "I am sorry to call you this time of the day."
- "不,请给我一杯威士忌," 约翰尼回答说,因为他现在最想做的事就是喝醉。 "No, a whisky, please, " Johnny replied, for he wanted more than anything in the world to get drunk.
- "你经常去那里吗?" "一月一次。" "How often do you go there?" "Once a month."
- "把店门关几天,跟我们去,萨姆。" "我是很想去。" "Shut the shop for a few days, and come with us, Sam." "I'm sorely tempted to."
- 当货物到港后发现有损坏和短缺的话,我们有权提出索赔吗? If the goods are found disqualified or short on arrival,are we entitled to lodge claims?
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- "啊,多妙的衣服啊!" 皇帝想。 "Oh, what splendid clothes!" thought the Emperor.
- "到那时候我肯定发了财。" "鬼才相信。" "Of course, I'll have made my fortune by then." "I don't think."
- "别继续以这种节奏节生活:你会得神经衰弱症的。" "Don't carry on living this pace: You'll wind up with a nervous breakdown"
- "坚持住,吉姆,别让史蒂夫超过你!" "Stick it, Jim; don't let Steve get ahead of you."
- 我们应立刻做那件事吗? Should we do immediately that thing?
- "你去不去看电影?" "随便好啦。" "Would you like to go to the cinema?" "I'm not bothered."