- “你为什么停顿下来了?”“继续下去。” “Why did you pause?”“Go on.”
- 由于罢工,市内的公共汽车交通实际上停顿下来了。 As a result of the strike, bus services in the city are practically at a halt.
- 你为什么不先戒烟等你的咳嗽好了一些后再说? Why don't you lay off smoking for a while until your cough gets better?
- 镇政府削减对所有这些工程的拨款,使它们都停顿下来了。 The town government put the brakes on all these projects by giving them less money.
- 你为什么总戴墨镜? Why always do you put on the sunglasses?
- 战争使所有的对外贸易停顿下来了。 The war brought all foreign trade to a standstill.
- 你为什么责备你的儿子? Why did you drop on to your son?
- 你为什么叹气? What are you sighing about?
- (喻)镇政府削减对所有这些工程的拨款,使它们都停顿下来了。 The town government put the brakes on all these projects by giving them less money.
- 你为什么总是怕产生变化呢? Why do you always shrink back from the possibility of change?
- 会议因工资问题而停顿下来。 The meeting deadlocked over the wage issue.
- 橱窗里的那套衣服她很喜欢,第二天她就把它买下来了。 The dress in the window tickled her fancy and the next day she bought it.
- 你为什么对我这么不客气? Why are you so unkind to me?
- 这是十分严肃而又重要的事。你为什么中途改变计划了? It is very serious and important, Why do you change horses in midstream.
- 你为什么这样讨厌吃这种药呢? Why do you dislike the medicine so much?
- 此刻协会的事务因秘书生病而停顿下来了。 Things are at a dead set in the society just now,owing to the illness of the secretary.
- 你为什么老想把你自己的想法强加给我呢? Why are you always trying to cram your own ideas down my throat?
- 你为什么有一点小麻烦便来找我? Why do you come to me with every little difficulty?
- 你为什么为这件事这般紧张忙乱? Why are you making so much ado about it?
- 你出什么事了?从山沟掉下来了?还是刚昏迷完? Evan, what happened? Did you fall off a Mount Shed? Did you just come out of a coma?