- “他现在在哪儿?”“我要是知道就好了!” 'Where is he now?' 'I only wish I knew!'
- 请把所有的官方文件送给亚当斯先生,他现在在办公室里。 Please take all the official documents up to Mr.Adams who is now in his office.
- 他现在在谈话中占了主导地位,因此轻松地随便聊着,她的拘束也消失了。 Already he took control in directing the conversation. His words were easy. Her manner was relaxed.
- 我们现在在哪儿? Li Where are we now?
- 请稍等,哦,很抱歉,他现在在接另一个电话,你介意等一会吗? B: Hold on, please.I'm sorry, but he's on another line now.Would you care to hold?
- 他现在在实验室里。 He is now in the laboratory.
- 您现在在哪儿? Where are you now?
- 他现在在开会。 He is in a conference now.
- 可是他现在在哪里? But where is he?
- 这个厂里每一个人都在议论他现在是否该找一份新工作。 Every-body in this factory is yacketing out an opinion on whether he should find a new job.
- 拉丁语在2000年前也“胜利”了,但它现在在哪儿?尽管英语取得“胜利”,但要去中国经商,人们还是要学习中文。 In spite of the "victory" of English, if you are doing business in China, you would be well advised to learn Chinese.
- 他现在在坐牢。 He is now in the pen.
- 在一般情况下他都和我们一起来, 只是他现在身体不太好. In the ordinary way he would have come with us, but he's not feeling well.
- 他现在在哪里? Where is he now?
- 没有,我只看到那辆轿车开走了,我没有看到拉金。他现在去哪儿了呢? Mike: No, I just saw the car drive away. I didn't see Larkin. Where's he going now?
- 他现在在房车里。 He is now in the sleeping car.
- 游客现在在旅游景点,他正与一个导游叫李军的旅游团在一起。 The tourist is in the scenic spots now. He is with a tour group whose tour guide is Li jun.
- 他现在在更衣室里。 He is in the locker room now.
- “他说比我晚几个钟头回来的,他现在应该是在家了。” "He intended returning some hours after me, and doubtless he is now at home."
- 他现在在写报告。 She is writing her report now.