- “他和你有何关系?”“他是我的侄儿。” What is his relationship to/with you?
- 他讲的这番话跟他们正在调查的问题有何关系呢? How does his story bear on what they are investigating?
- 他一口咬定事故发生的时候,他没有和你在一起,对此,你有什么可说的? He alleges that he was not with you at the time the accident occurred. What do you say to that?
- 然而,究竟联合国和人权宣言有何关系,知道的人可能就不多了。 However, few people understand( realize) the relation between the UN and the Universal Declaration( manifesto) of Human Rights.
- 你知道,我对他和你住在一起一向不放心。 You know I had been doubtful about his sharing rooms with you.
- 你和那个集团有何关系? Do you have something to do with this group?
- 他和你一样,有时会憋上一肚子无言的怒火。 Like you, though, he's capable of scary silent anger.
- 你的新闻与这一案子有何关系? How does your news bear on this case?
- 你有没有过怕被你的家人、朋友和你的配偶抛弃的恐惧心理? Do you ever feel the fear of abandonment by your family, friends and your spouse?
- 你知道,我对他和你住在一起一向不放心。 You know I had been doubtful about his sharing rooms with you.
- 这个和那个有何关系? How is this connected to that?
- 我看不出他和他兄弟有任何相似之处。 I see no likeness whatever between him and his brother.
- 和你有很深的姻亲关系的人。 someone for whom you have a deep affinity.
- 这与该问题有何关系? How does this bear on the problem?
- 他们筛选出与他们工作和你有失信案。 Screen them and work out with them in case you have bad credit.
- 既然我只是观照,那对错有何关系? If I am the witness only, what do right and wrong matter?
- 噢,那是我的孩子雅各布,他和你爹是把兄弟。 Why, my boy Jacob and your father were sworn brothers.
- 我不明白这一点与那件事有何关系。 I don't see how this bears on the matter.
- 这意味着他和你说的这些话可以被解释仅仅是在夸耀。 That means his little confessions to you could be interpreted as boasts.
- 那么,就我来说,不能再和你有任何交往。 Then I, for one, can have nothing more to do with you.