- “他为什么老是不睬我?”她自问道。 "Why does he always deny me?" she said to herself.
- 但当我向你们的女侍者抱怨时,她不睬我。 But when I complained to your waitress she just ignored me.
- 他为什么老是喜欢干涉别人的事情呢? Why does he always interfere in others' affairs?
- "别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。" "Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him."
- 你为什么老是反对我的主意?它们并不像你说得那么愚蠢。 Why do you always pour scorn onmy ideas? They're not all as stupid as you say.
- 你洗完澡后为什么老是不把水放掉? Why don't you ever run the water off after you've had a bath?
- 她们偏偏不理不睬,并非怕羞,却是自己很有主意的样子。 They held themselves aloof, not in a sky, but rather in an independent way.
- 你知道她为什么老是不想见你吗? Do you know why she is always trying to avoid you?
- 每次我向你求助你都不理不睬,为什么? Every time I ask you for help, you turn your back on me. Why?
- "别老是那么说,我从来没叫你还钱。" 海伦轻轻地跺跺脚说。 "Don't keep saying that!" Helen stamped her feet lightly. "I've never asked you to pay me back."
- 他对于老字辈的演员十分地尊敬,不像有的人觉得对自己没用就不理不睬。 He is very respectful towards older actors, unlike those who show a blind eye to them because they have no use for them.
- 他取下我颈上的花环就走开了。我哭了,问我的心说:"他为什么不回来呢?" He took the garland from my neck and went away. I weep and ask my heart, "Why does he not come?"
- 难道你非得在宴会上出这样的丑吗?你为什么老是要引人注目呢? Did you have to make such a vulgar exhibition of yourself at the party? Why do you always want to be the center of attention?
- 不要问他为什么他的生意做失败了,因为这是他的隐衷。 Don't ask him why his business failed; it's a sore spot with him.
- 我问店主,他是不是出售各种大小的裙子。 I asked the shopkeeper if he had all sizes of skirts in stock.
- 你为什么老是把这些报纸乱七八糟地丢桌子上? Why do you always litter up the table with all these newspapers?
- 我不明白他为什么坚决反对这个计划。 I couldn't understand why he was dead set against this plan.
- 她总是错过机会,因为她老是不在。 She always misses out, because she's never there.
- 首先,让我告诉你他为什么是一个真正的父亲。 Firstly, let me tell you why he is a real father.
- 你为什么老是把手机设定成转接?我很难找到你。 Why do you always set you cell to divert calls? I can hardly reach you.