- 什么 what
- “tiger”意思是什么? What's the meaning of the word @Tiger@?
- 当他说每个人都享有充当自然法之执行人的权利时,他的意思是什么? What does he mean when he says that every man has a right to "be executioner of the law of nature"?
- 意思 meaning
- 什么是 what is ... ?
- 什么时候 when
- 意思是 mean
- 我的意思是,结束这最后的服役期后,我不会再加入海军了。 I mean when I finish this last hitch, not to ship over.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 现在战绩领先联盟的是太阳队,你对这支球队的看法是什么? Ph?nix is leading the league. What are you thoughts about this team ?
- 生活就像体育运动,我的意思是说,生活是剧烈竞争的事。 Life is like sport, by which I mean, it's a hard competitive business.
- 孩子们出于好奇, 迫不及待地想看看包裹中是什么东西。 The children are dying of curiosity to see what's in the parcel.
- 你的意思是说如果我们指定你们为代理,你将每年销售100万美元? Do you mean to say that if we entrust you with the agency, you will sell%241,000, 000 each year?
- 他紧张地一笑,问我是什么意思。 He laughed nervously and asked me what I meant.
- “不好战”的意思是指我们不会以暴抗暴。 I mean that we do not answer insult by insult.
- 一般来说,在这种形势下,不恢复法律和秩序是什么也干不了的。 In this situation,it is common to say that nothing can be done until law and order is restored.
- 它们分别是什么意思? What do they mean respectively?
- 它的意思是给予最需要的及时的帮助。 It means to give the most-needed and timely aid.
- “公共利益”是什么?社会功利主义的定义及其宪法上的局限性 What is "Public Interest"? The Utilitarian Definition and Its Constitutional Limitations
- 当然,我的意思是,你怎么会做这种工作? I meant, of course, what are you doing doing this job?