- A wooden performance; a wooden smile. 僵硬的表演; 呆板不自然的微笑
- He gave us a wooden smile. 他朝我们不自然地笑了一下。
- the actor's performance was wooden; a wooden smile. 那个男演员的表演很笨拙;呆板的笑容。
- His smile predominated his features. 他的微笑是他的容貌的重要特色。
- He wiped up the spilt milk on the wooden floor. 他揩掉了泼在地板上的牛奶。
- How can I enlighten your wooden head? 我怎么才能让你这木头疙瘩开窍呢?
- The frail wooden bridge cracked. 这座不牢固的木桥断裂了。
- I never smile at people who are rude to me. 我决不会向对我无礼的人微笑。
- He looked at the leader with a disdainful smile. 他带着鄙视的微笑看着领导。
- Girls in fashion photographs never smile. 时装照片中的女郎都不微笑。
- The floor was made of wooden blocks. 地板是用木块拼成的。
- She gave us an expressive smile. 她意味深长地笑了笑。
- Could you use wooden cases instead? 你们能不能改用木箱?
- The lady looked at me with a contented smile. 那位夫人带着满意的微笑看着我。
- The old man leant on a long wooden staff. 老人拄著一根长长的木手杖。
- An old wooden box did duty for a table. 把旧木箱当作桌子。
- A rare smile lit up his stern features. 他那难得一见的微笑在他死板的脸上平添一些生气。
- A slender smile still flickered across her face. 她脸上闪过一丝微笑。
- He kept a rabbit in a wooden box. 他把兔子养在木箱子里。
- The actress gave a rather wooden performance. 那个女演员的表演相当呆板。