- woman aged childbearing 育龄妇女
- Married women aged childbearing 已婚育龄妇女
- One woman aged 57 died of musclar fungous infection in 2002. 2002年,美国一名57岁的妇女因肌肉真菌感染死亡。
- Health promotion and disease prevention programmes are delivered to women aged 64 or below at the three Woman Health Centres. 卫生署属下三间妇女健康中心,为64岁或以下的妇女提供促进健康和预防疾病的服务。
- Koch's team studied 307 mostly white, heterosexual women aged 35 to 55. 研究小组调查了307名35到55岁的白种的异性恋妇女。
- Comprehensive preventive health services are available for women aged 45 to 64 at three women health centres. 卫生署亦设有三间妇女健康中心,为年龄介乎45与64岁之间的女性提供预防疾病的综合健康服务。
- The study involved over 3,000 women aged 42-52 years and beginning menopausal transition at the time of their enrollment in the Study of Woman's Health Across the Nation (SWAN). 这项研究涉及在全国妇女健康中心(SWAN)登记的3000名42-52岁的处于围绝经期妇女。
- The study found that the drop was mostly in women age fifty to sixty nine. 研究发现,这些乳癌比率下降主要都是年纪在五十岁至六十九岁之间的妇女。
- The heroine of the film is an aged woman. 影片的女主角是一位老妇人。
- We need to concentrate on our target audience, namely women aged between 20 and 30. 我们需针对我们的听众对象,即年龄在20到30岁之间的妇女。
- By 2005,reduce HIV prevalence11 among young men and women aged 15 to 24 in the most affected countries by 25 percent and 25 percent globally by 2010. 到2005年,在艾滋病感染最严重的国家中,把15岁至24岁年轻男女中艾滋病病毒携带者的比例降低25%25,在2010年前,在全球范围内,把该比例降低25%25。
- The researchers found that obese women aged an additional 8.8 Years more than lean women (based on telomere length). 研究人员发现;肥胖女性;年龄增加8.;8年以上精益女(基于端粒长度)。
- Maternal and Child Health Centres of the Department of Health Provide Cervical Screening for women aged 65 and above. 生署辖下的母婴健康院为65岁或以上妇女提供子宫颈细胞检验。
- Most CSW were Han Nationality women aged 15-25 years old with junior high school culture degree. 暗娼多为15~25岁初中文化汉族女性。
- New figures show that 1,091 women aged 45 and oer gae birth last year, compared with 540 in 1995. 新的数据表明,比起1995的540名,去年有1091名年龄为45岁的妇女超过了生育年龄。
- The novel unrolls the history of a certain woman. 那本小说揭露了某个女子的过去。
- He rested a curious gaze on the strange woman. 他好奇地盯着那个怪异的女人看。
- That woman will yap away for hours about nothing. 那个女人将会哇啦哇啦一连胡说上几个小时。
- The invader thrust the blade of his bayonet into the woman's heart. 侵略兵把刺刀的刀身刺入那个妇人的心脏。
- The research found that women aged in their 20s remained the most likely to abort, consistently making up about half of all terminations. 研究还发现20多岁的女性仍然最有可能流产,始终占所有流产数的一半左右。