- She is just like that, she gets herself involved in anything 100%, never wishy washy. 阿梅态度认真的说道,她就是这样,做每件事都是百份百的投入,丝毫没有敷衍之意的。
- His wishy - washy talk gave her the pip. 他那不痛不痒的话使她很恼火。
- You're too wishy - washy to move up in the company. 你太优柔寡断,以致在公司里爬不上去。
- wishy washy adj. 淡薄的(淡而无味的;空洞无物的)
- The jean looks like old with washy colors. 这条褪色的裤子看起来很旧。
- Insipid;weak;wishy - washy. 无味的;缺乏生气的;软弱无力的
- Feeling without judgement is a washy draught indeed. 没有判断的感情的确是淡而无味的一口饮料。
- Feeling without judgement is a washy draught indeed? 没有判断的感情的确是淡而无味的一口饮料。
- wishy - washy soup with no flavor 没有滋味的汤
- In Beijing Gang Washi Church, he was a Christian of high prestige, and took part in administrative work. 在缸瓦市教会他是一位威望甚高的教友,对教会管理事务有一定参与;
- Feeling without judgment is a washy draught indeed; but judgment untempered by feeling is too bitter and husky a morsel for human deglutition. 没有理智的感情固然淡而无味,而不掺有感情的理智就像太苦涩,太粗秕的食物一样,让人无法下咽。
- Vegetable fruit is the main source of vitamin, mineral, prandial fiber and phytochemistry material, washy, energy is low. 蔬菜水果是维生素、矿物质、膳食纤维和植物化学物质的重要来源,水分多、能量低。
- Time and tear may wash out all , the longer it lasts, the conflicts in the affection goes paianer, just like the washy tea. 能冲刷一切的除了眼泪,就是时间,以时间来推移感情,时间越长,冲突越淡,仿佛不断稀释的茶。
- You are seldom shadow,back of you there are full of clearness,she is telling you the story of the washy green,and i had buryed the sorriness of deep green. 你是一颗稀少的影子,你的后面充斥着晴空,她讲着淡绿色的故事,我埋下了深绿色的悲哀。
- A washy handshake;washy prose. 无力的握手;空洞的文章
- In case of intoxication, remove the patient to open air.If necessary, Institute artificail Respiration.For shkin contact, washi the affected area with water and diluted acetoc acid. 中毒时移至新鲜空气处,必要时进行人工呼吸,皮肤受伤用水或稀醋酸洗涤。
- The reduce of esters,the increase of acids,and the imbalance of the ratio of esters and acids are the main reasons for washy liquor taste and unpleasant liquor flavor after a period of storage. 酯类物质减少,酸类物质增加,酸酯比例失衡,是低度白酒贮存后口味淡薄、出现不愉快气味的主要原因。影响低度白酒水解的因素有:酒体溶解氧、酒体总酸含量、温度、光线、酒体乙醇分子与水分子的缔合度等。
- Current, the brand of profile of make use of of inferior door window that assembles at will, appear difference of same brand price big, washy, installation is non-standard wait for a problem. 目前,随意组装的劣质门窗假借型材品牌,出现同一品牌价格差距大、水分多、安装不规范等问题。
- washy coffee; watery milk; weak tea. 淡咖啡;淡牛奶;淡茶。
- washy encouragement, ideas, plans 不起作用的鼓励、 主意、 计画.