- wideband telegraphy 宽带电报
- Morse code was an early code in telegraphy. 摩尔斯电码是在电报技术中一种早期使用的电码。
- He taught Edison railway telegraphy. 他教爱迪生铁路电报技术。
- F2's kit comes with an AEM UEGO Wideband gauge . F2代的套件,配有宽带设备制造商协会UEGO衡量。
- Thomas Edison invents multiplex telegraphy. 托马斯.;爱迪生发明多路复用电报。
- Is vessel fitted with a radio telegraphy alarm? 船舶是否装有无线电报报警器?
- Safety radio telegraphy certificate One (1) copy. 安全无线电通讯证书1份。
- A message transmitted by wireless telegraphy. 用无线电报传送的信息
- The Generating Technology of Wideband Radar Signals II. 宽带雷达信号产生技术2。
- A wideband transmission/receive antenna assemble is expounded. 介绍了一种收/发天线组件。
- The wideband characteristics are achieved by tapering, technique. 此天线的宽频特性是藉由渐开技巧达成。
- Wideband phased array radar is an important radar system. 摘要宽带相控阵雷达是当前雷达技术的发展方向之一;
- In a telegraphy system,a pulse(often+80V) that represents a1-bit. 在电报系统中,表示1比特的脉冲(常为+80V)。
- A method for analyzing wideband antennas is introduced. 摘要提出一种快速分析天线宽带特性的有效算法。
- In a telegraphy system, a pulse(often+80V)that represents a1 - bit. 在电报系统中,表示1比特的脉冲(常为?+80V?)。
- A new method of measuring target wideband emissivity is presented. 摘要提出了一种新的测量发射率的方法。
- In a telegraphy system,a pulse(often+80V)that represents a1 - bit. 在电报系统中,表示1比特的脉冲(常为?+80V?)。
- In WT O's accord have some telegraphy article will be encash. 在世贸协定中的一些电信条款现在要慢慢兑现。
- In a telegraphy system,a pulse (often+80V) that represents a 1-bit. 在电报系统中,表示1比特的脉冲(常为+80V)。
- For a long time all his inventions had to do with telegraphy. 在很长的一段时间里,他的所有发明都与电报系统有关。