"an all-around athlete"
"a well-rounded curriculum"
用作形容词 (adj.)
Even in an immature seed the embryo is sufficiently well developed. 甚至在未成熟的种子中,胚已充分发育。
Ripe apricot on the nose is followed by a palate of dried fru-its rich,intense and well balanced. 此酒色泽金黄迷人,入鼻有成熟的杏仁味,继而呈现出水果干丰富,醇厚而平衡的香味。
Sticking to a healthy, well rounded eating plan and drinking plenty of water should meet most exercisers' needs. 只要坚持健康全面的就餐计划,饮用足量的水,就能满足多数健身者的需要了。
Graduates thus benefit from a well rounded education that includes a strong multicultural and international dimension. 因此,毕业生受益于一个良好的全面的教育,包括强大的多元化和国际化空间。