- The recognition you have obtained is well deserved. 你得到赏识是当之无愧的。
- The recognition you have received is well deserved. 众望所归,受之无愧。
- The Volare has a deserved reputation as one of the worst cars of all time. Volare真不愧是有史以来最糟糕的车子之一。
- R &R (10)---Take a well deserved rest in the World Tour. 在世界巡?中得到一次充分的休息。
- Some criticisms are off the mark, but some are well deserved. 很多批评这个分数;但是很多当之无愧.
- Some of it is well deserved, but they are also easy scapegoats. 其中一些批评是恰如其分的,但这些机构也容易成为替罪羊。
- The UK has a deserved reputation for scientific excellence: in seven of the ten major areas of research the UK lags behind only the US. 英国理所当然地拥有科学发达的美名。英国在十个主要研究领域里,有七个领域仅落后于美国。
- Although the city schools overall have an amply deserved reputation for low standards, there are some good schools and many good students. 虽然整体上看圣路易斯的学校以教学要求低而“名声大噪”,但是无可否认市立学校里还是有一些好学校和优秀的学生。
- I said I had no doubt that Mr. Peggotty well deserved these treasures. 我说,我认为坡勾提先生对于这些贵重东西,毫无疑问受之无愧。
- Jason: Well, if it isn't my hard working son and his well deserved car? 杰森:这不会是我那工作努力的儿子和他那得之无愧的汽车吧?
- Wang levy, Chen Sui - was the new cutting edge of a well deserved, saying. 王征、陈穗建获得新锐称号也是实至名归,不在话下。
- The opportunity for Echo to take on the ROO in Anhui is well deserved. 运文被提升至安徽营运长是对他努力工作的认可。
- He is always intruding his opinions upon others, and well deserves his reputation as a bore. 他总是把看书的意见强加于人,无怪乎他有个令人讨厌的名声。
- Though most of the 5m visitors a year honour family and friends who died, Yasukuni has a deserved reputation in Asia as the site of an extreme and hardline view of Japan's past and future. 虽然每年500万参拜靖国神社的人们都是为了纪念死去的家人和朋友,但在亚洲,靖国神社仍被视为象征日本过去和未来的极端及强硬主张的地方。
- The FX and G models have won a deserved reputation in the US for offering great looking cars with excellent performance, at prices that BMW cannot match.Only their interiors have really let them down. FX和G已经在美国获得很好的声誉,从外观,出色的性能和bmw无法匹敌的价格,只有他们的内饰看起来不是很好。
- He is always intruding his opinions upon others,and well deserves his reputation as a bore. 他总是把看书的意见强加于人,无怪乎他有个令人讨厌的名声。
- It was a beautiful victory and convincing, perhaps too much generous in the end, but surely well deserved. 这是一场漂亮的且令人信服的胜利,也许最后打的有点凶,但是依然当之无愧。”
- After much hardship, the hero of the novel finally achieved the success that he so well deserved. 小说中的主人公体尝过无数艰辛之后终于取得了成功。
- Vieira claimed it would be well deserved if Henry won the PFA's player of the year award tonight. 维埃里宣称,在今晚的颁奖中亨利应该获得职业球员协会的最佳球员称号。
- Much of that hype is well deserved because the.NET Framework and Visual Studio 2005 make building and consuming Web services so easy. 因为.;NET Framework和Visual Studio 2005使构建和使用Web服务变得非常简单;所以多数这样的宣传都是名副其实的。