- water turbine type frame 水轮机机型
- For the problem of interval-valued weights in selection of water turbine type, a method based on data envelopment analysis (DEA) is proposed. 摘要针对水轮机选型中指标权重为区间数的问题,提出基于数据包络分析的选型方法。
- Finally this method was applied to the type selection design of water turbine of Nilgiri hydropower station. 最后将该方法应用于尼尔基水电站的水轮机选型设计中。
- It can be driven beth by wind wheel and by low-speed water turbine. 它既可由风力机风轮驱动,又可以由低速水轮机带动。
- The object parameters change with work point in water turbine governing system. 摘要水轮机调节对象的许多参数都是随运行工况变化的。
- The work consisted of throwing up embankments and installing water turbine pumps. 这项工作包括快速建起堤坝和安装涡轮水泵。
- The European type frame with pure Germany origin is the basic element of a top door window. 型材:源自德国纯正血统的欧式型材,是高级门窗的基本要素。
- Conclusion: To select the venner type frame designs can raise the compressive strength of ceramometal restorations. 结论:采用镶嵌型支架设计能提高金瓷冠的抗压强度。
- Introduces the boring method and machining effect of the dome and bottom ring of water turbine. 介绍西山水电站水轮机顶盖底环在立车上同镗的加工方法及效果。
- Assembled type frame, compact structure and easy assembling and disassembling with convenient transportation. 组装式机架、结构紧凑、拆装运输方便。
- The water turbine model test for Geheyan Project was performed in 1991, in Lachine, Quebee, Canada. 隔河岩水轮机模型试验1991年在加拿大魁北克拉辛市进行。
- It has been applied Successfully in the parts of 125MW water turbine, such main as valve of speed governor bush and other parts. 并将此工艺成功地应用于125MW水轮机调速器主阀衬套产品零件上.
- Results: Ceramometal restorations were stronger than nature tooth; the ceramometal restorations with venner type frame designs were stronger than full-bake type frame designs. 结果:金瓷冠比天然牙有更大的抗压强度;镶嵌型支架设计的金瓷比全瓷型支架设计的金瓷冠有更大的抗压强度。
- The task of hydraulic turbine type design, is to dec ide the main property parameter and the structure control parameter, to finish the design of the pipeline of hydraulic turbine. 水轮机选型设计的任务是确定水轮机的主要性能参数和结构控制参数,完成水轮机的流道设计。
- Analyzes the deviation genesis of centering the axis of hydraulic generator and water turbine, brings forward the coaxiality method, which works well in practical application. 对水轮发电机组转动部份发电机主轴与水轮机主轴偏差原因进行分析,提出找正方法,经实际应用效果良好。
- When you select a template or a project type, a brief description of that item appears beneath the Project Types frame. 当选定某模板或项目类型时,将在“项目类型”框架下显示该项的简要说明。
- Two original rear frames are integrated into one and is installed on box type frame of pneumatic compactor by bolts. 后轮架由原来的两个变成一个,用螺栓组与轮胎压路机的箱体式车架相连。
- The paper ecpounds the principle of freon evaporation cooling system on 400MW water turbine generator in Lijiaxia hyderaulic power station,and makes a discussion of the unit structure and the operation characteristics. 文章对就李家峡水电站 4%23 水轮发电机氟里昂蒸发冷却系统的原理进行简要论述 ,并对机组结构及运行特点等技术问题进行了探讨。
- The design of the running simulation system of water turbine actiyator is based on Microsoft software and hardware. The main work is the design of software system, and the key part is to establish the mathematics model of simulation system. 水轮机调速器运行仿真系统的设计是基于微机的软、硬件系统的,其中主要的工作是软件系统的设计,而建立仿真系统的数学模型是设计的关键。
- Requirements for turbine type synchronous machine GB/T7064-1996透平型同步电机技术要求