- wall hung lavatory 墙挂式洗脸盆
- On the wall hang two large portraits. 墙上挂着两个巨幅肖像。
- It is on the wall hang dishcloth, towel hang lever. 墙上是挂抹布、毛巾的挂杆。
- Wall Hung Electric Models Meets California Energy Commission Requirements. 挂墙型电热水器型号符合美国加州能源委员会的要求。
- A curtain or a wall hanging, especially one of Flemish origin. 帘或挂在墙壁上的(毯子), 特指源自佛兰德地区的一种
- On the wall hangs a portrait of his father's. 墙上挂着他父亲收藏的一张肖像画。
- On the wall hangs a portrait of his father. 墙上挂着他父亲本人的一张肖像画。
- On the wall hangs the family photo of Whites. 墙上挂着怀特一家的全家福.
- On the wall hangs a landscape painting. 墙上挂着一幅山水画。
- On this wall hung large pictures of President Davis and Georgia's own "Little Alec" Stephens, Vice- President of the Confederacy. 这面墙上挂着戴维斯总统和佐治亚州自己的"小亚历"、南部联盟副总统斯蒂芬斯的巨幅肖像。
- Urinal has simple sanitary equipment of glair pottery and porcelain for what male pee uses only. Have wall hung with be born type. 小便器专供男性小便使用的有釉陶瓷质卫生设备。有壁挂式和落地式。
- In a corner was a tub for washing dishes, and from nails in the wall hung moist dish-clouts and the cook's livery and skull-cap. 一个角落里放着一只洗碗用的木盆,墙上的钉子上挂着湿漉漉的抹布以及厨子的工作服和便帽。
- Great hunting ground is located 40 kilometers northeast Zunhua, south of the ancient Great Wall Hung Yamaguchi territory, covering an area of 5.9 hectares. 长城狩猎场位于遵化东北40公里,古长城南麓的洪山口境内,面积5.;9万亩。
- On the light green walls hung with a few decorative paintings, all is in poetic and pictorial splendour. 在淡绿色的墙壁上挂几幅艺术装饰画,一切都充满着浓厚的诗情画意。
- Ornamental copper pans hung on the wall. 墙上挂着装饰性的铜盘。
- The wall was hung with tapestry. 墙上装饰著挂毯。
- The shutters thumped the wall in the wind. 在风中百叶窗砰砰地碰在墙上。
- Huge warehouses were built in San Simeon to store the shiploads of splendid antiques, including entire carved ceilings and walls hung with enormous tapestries. 在圣西蒙创造了巨大的仓库存放成船的贵重古董,全部雕花的天花板以及用巨大挂毯装饰的墙壁。
- A wall hanging; a tapestry. 挂毯挂在壁上的(毯子); 挂毯
- I hammered a tack into the wall and hung a small picture from it. 我在墙上钉了一个图钉,然后在上面挂了一张小图片。