- voltage regulating equipment 调压装置
- VRM? Voltage Regulating Manager? 电压调节管理器?
- The transformer is composed by the non- contact on load automatic voltage regulating tap switch and transformer itself. 该变压器由无触点有载自动调压分接开关和变压器本体两大部分组成。
- If regulating equipment is needed, it may be desirable to provide it in the transformer by using load tap changer (LTC) equipment. 若需要调节设备,可要求在变压器中采用有载分接开关(LTC)设备。
- For use with the high temperature pipeline in metallurgy, mine, cement, petrochemical industry and power plant etc. as shutting off and regulating equipment. 本蝶阀用于冶金、矿山、水泥、石化、电力,城市供热等行业的高温流体管路上作为截断和调节流量的最佳设备。
- Expounded energy saving technique by voltage regulating and light regulating of high-strength gas discharge lamp in keep a felicitous illumination quality. 阐述了在保持恰当照度的前提下,高强度气体放电灯的调压调光节电技术。
- In the test for voltage regulator, the load current of the DUT provided by the test equipment needs a certain delaytime to reach the provision value. 在电压调整器测试中,测试设备提供的负载电流需经一定的时间延迟才能达到预定值。
- What is the limit of voltage regulation error of the generator? 发电机调压误差的极限是多少?
- We need to buy Voltage Regulator,please contact with us. 我们需要购买汽车电子调节器,请联系我们。
- The valve is widely used for various water supply and drainage construction, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, textiles, shipbuilding and other industrial pipelines, used as stop and regulating equipment. 该阀广泛用于各种给排水建筑、化工、医药、轻纺、船舶及其它工业管路上,作为截断和调节设备使用。
- The choices of parameters of transformer, secondary output voltage, maximum output current, capability, voltage regulating progression and step voltage are the crucial factors, which determines the degree of LW graphitization process. 内串石墨化工艺的关键设备是变压器,变压器的参数:二次输出电压、最大输出电流、容量、调压级数、级差电压选择的合理与否,决定了内串石墨化工艺水平的高与低。
- The integrated voltage regulator permits operation from 3.8 To 24 V. 集成稳压器允许在3.;8至24伏特之间进行操作。
- Zener diodes behave in this way, which makes them useful as voltage regulators. 齐纳击穿二极管就是这种工作方式,在电压稳压方面非常有用。
- You can omit Q1 if voltage regulator IC1 includes an on/off-control pin. 假如电压稳压器IC1包括一个开/关控制引脚,就可以忽略Q1。
- Viscosity measuring and regulating equipment 粘度测量与调节设备
- Three voltage regulating methods are usually used in enlarging the power supply capacity of electrified railways: voltage regulating transformer (VRT), series capacitor compensation (SCC), and adjustable parallel capacitor compensation (APCC). 以提高牵引网电压水平为主要目标的电气化扩能改造中可供使用的常用调压方法有:调压变压器(VRT),串联电容补偿(SCC)和可调并联电容补偿(APCC)。
- gas pressure regulating equipment 燃气调压装置
- The earth wire from the voltage regulator should not be re-connected to terminal. 从稳压器出来的地线不能再与电极连接。
- ZK voltage regulator series, providing monophase, triphase silicon controlled triggered signals. 系列电压调整器提供单相、三相可控硅触发信号。
- Adjustment of the field current can be made manually by an operator, or automatically by a generator voltage regulator. 励磁电流可由运行人员手动调节或由发电机电压调节器自动调节。