- Our series automation M/Cs have successfully been applied for various Actuators with our special arm tweaking technology. Refer to below pictures. 应用我公司所独有的驱动器架指片高度;平行度;扭曲矫形技术所开发的系列自动机已成功地应用于多款驱动器架产品.;如下图所示
- On the basis of analyzing various actuation principles, we decided to use piezoelectric bimorph as the primary actuator of our micropumps. 本文首先对各种驱动方式进行了分析,确定以压电双晶片作为主要的致动方式,并根据压电双晶片的悬臂梁模型,推导出压电双晶片的自由端位移公式。
- It must be difficult to play various personae in the same movie. 在同一个电影中扮演不同的角色肯定不容易。
- The various parts of the car are bolted together. 这辆汽车的各种配件是用螺栓装在一起的。
- Various discords have arisen over this question. 人们在这个问题上发生了不少争执。
- The modes of procedure are various and many. 手续繁琐复杂,不一而足。
- He persecuted me with various delicate questions. 他用种种微妙的问题把我难倒了。
- The police seized various books and tapes. 警方查获了各种书和磁带。
- The room was painted in various shades of blue. 房间是用深浅不一的蓝色粉刷的。
- This city is noted for its various bridges. 这个城市因为各种桥梁而著称。
- Various committee members made interesting points. 许多委员提出了使人关注的意见。
- Various objects were on the table. 桌子上摆着各种各样的物体。
- Various strokes of misfortune led to his ruin. 他遭诸多不幸而一蹶不振。
- The accident can be traced to various causes. 经追查可发现这起意外事件系由种种原因造成的。
- His lecture covered various aspects of language. 他的讲课涉及到语言诸方面的问题。
- His mind was still teeming with various projects. 他的脑子里依然塞满了各式各样的计划。
- The products we sell are many and various. 我们出售的产品是各式各样的。
- For various reasons I'd prefer not to meet him. 由于各种原因,我不愿见他。
- Any of various green rocks, such as serpentine. 蛇纹石一种绿色岩石,如蛇纹大理岩
- Make a list of the various options. 列出可供选择的项目。