made urban in nature; taking on urban characteristics;
"the urbanized Eastern states"
用作形容词 (adj.)
He wished to preserve as much liberty as possible, while recognising that the minimum state was unacceptable to a democratic society with an urbanised economy. 他希望保留尽可能高的自由度,同时也认识到,对于经济城市化的民主社会,政府只拥有最低限度的权力是不可接受的。
As Rob Lang of Virginia Tech has noted, the interior West is now the most urbanised region in America, largely because there is so little water outside the cities. 正如弗吉尼亚理工大学的仑勃朗所说,西部内陆现在成了美国最为城市化的地区,主要是由于城市之外水源稀少。