- A treatise on or study of poetry or aesthetics. 诗学论文对诗歌或美学的专论或研究
- I am out of conceit with the urban life. 我对城市生活已经厌倦了。
- You can find out many advantages in urban life. 你会发现都市生活中有许多便利之处。
- The novel is a searing indictment of urban poverty. 这部小说是对城市贫困的震撼心灵的控诉。
- This play is the image of contemporary urban life. 这个剧本是当代城市生活的生动写照。
- A region remote from urban areas; backcountry. 腹地远离城区的地区,偏僻地区
- Generations of urban living sharpened their wits. 世代居住在城市里使他们磨练了才智。
- urban aesthetics 城市美学
- This is the aesthetics subordinated to politics. 这是那种隶属于政治的美学观。
- I'm going to read around the subject of aesthetics. 我打算阅读美学方面的书。
- What on Earth Does Aesthetics Research? 美学究竟研究什么?
- Aesthetics of Literature and Art ? 文艺美学
- In some developing countries more and more people migrate to urban area. 在某些发展中的国家,越来越多的人向市区迁移。
- But fundamentally, it was an act of aesthetics. 但它归根结蒂是一项审美活动,
- Hegel held that the object of aesthetics was art. 黑格尔认为美学的对象主要是艺术。
- An urban district or quarter in a Spanish-speaking country. 行政区域讲西班牙语国家的城市行政区域或特区
- Analysis Of Aesthetics Of Competitive P.E. 竞技体育的美学分析。
- Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 美学和艺术评论杂志。
- Trends of Thought in Westrn Aesthetics II. 西方美学思潮2。
- Aesthetics - Is the look and feel satisfactory? 外观:是否看起来感觉满意?