- upper cone of whirl 锭盘上锥
- Cone of tailstock quill bore MT No. 尾架套筒孔莫式锥度。
- The staminate cone of pine is male rather than female. 松树雄球果是雄性而非雌性。
- She can throw a whirling dervish out of whirl. 她会把灵修的僧人搞得团团转!
- Spotlight: A light source that emits a cone of light. 聚光灯:它射出的光形成一个锥形。
- Trunk basally buttressed, often with a cone of stilt roots at base. 基部板根的树干,通常在基部具锥形支柱根。
- The center of the cone of fire does rise above 1 meter from the ground. 射击台的中心确实高于地面1米。
- I play a ball game rub few, after now the rule changed, the velocity of whirl did not have before was strong. 我打球摩擦少,现在规则改了后,旋转速度都没有以前强。
- Grind principle of whirl plank-grinding machinery and constitution as well as action of parts has keen narrated. 叙述了旋转砂光机的工作原理和结构组成以及各组成分的作用。
- My hometown is in the upper reaches of the river. 我的家乡在这条河的上游地区。
- Bract scale The structure found in large numbers in the female cone of gymnosperms, each bearing an ovuliferous scale in its axil. 苞鳞:在裸子植物的雌球果中大量存在的结构,每个苞鳞都包含一个珠鳞。
- Zhang Dan is insufficient in the airborne velocity of whirl, causes the half to fall to the ground after three weeks throws down. 张丹在空中的旋转速度不够,导致在三周半后落地摔倒。
- They have no Frost Nova or Blink, no Cone of Cold, no Ice Block, no travel form, no Nature's Grasp, etc. 他们也没有冰霜新星,没有闪现,没有冰锥,没有冰箱,没有旅行形态,没有缠绕等等。
- The corresponding rules that described change of whirl angular velocity are indicated.The bistable state of whirl is analyzed. 分析研究了转子涡动角速度变化规律及出现的双稳态现象。
- A canine tooth of the upper jaw. 上颚犬齿上颚的一个犬齿
- The oil-immersion objectives just described admit a wider cone of rays than a dry objective of the same diameter would. 刚才描述的油浸物镜与直径相同的干物镜相比,可容纳更宽的光线锥。
- That region of the plate is quite small and so the cone of diffracted rays, for the most part, misses it. 相板上的这一区域是很小的,因此衍射光线锥的绝大部分不通过它。
- This part of town is where the upper class live. 镇上这个地区是上层阶级的人住的。
- The reason of inducing whirl active vibration is investigated in this paper through the experiment of a high speed rotor in eliminating the breakdown of whirl. 通过对高速转轴甩转的排故试验分析了甩转自激振动发生的原因。
- Caldera: A broad, crater-like basin of a volcano, formed by an explosion or by collapse of the cone of the volcan. 火山口:火山上类似弹坑的宽阔盆地,它是由火山爆发或火山尖顶塌陷而形成的。