- Engaging in an unsportsmanlike conduct that causes an injury to an opponent. 作出不符合运动精神的行为而令对手受到伤害的.
- An excellent showman, Sebulba is beloved by many a race fan despite his unsportsmanlike conduct. 萨布巴是个做秀高手,尽管他的行径缺乏竞技精神,但很多赛车爱好者都很喜欢他。
- Unsportsmanlike conduct is not necessarily illegal, but is frowned upon by the majority of both players and spectators. 不光彩的举动不一定违法,但是为多数运动员和观众所不齿。
- An error in substitution is a technical foul and shall be charged to the team coach as an unsportsmanlike conduct by himself. 替补出现错误;视做教练本身违反体育精神的行为;而判予一次技术犯规.
- The would-be bride was stunned, but "not entirely caught off-guard," by Jefferson's unsportsmanlike conduct, according to a family friend. 这位准新娘感到震惊,但“并没有完全失去理智。”
- Players who do not fairly follow these procedures can be subject to the Unsportsmanlike Conduct provision of the Code of Conduct, but this should only be used in clear situations. 没有公正的使用这些规则的球员根据行为守则视为没有运动员精神,但是只有在非常确定的情况下才能使用。
- In addition a Code Violation for Unsportsmanlike Conduct can be given if the Referee (or assistant) is sure that the player is blatantly calling incorrectly. 另外,仲裁人员可以对球员的防碍比赛行为作出没有运动员风格的判罚--如果仲裁人(或者助理)确信球员在有意的进行对自己有利的判罚时。
- Technical foul = A type of foul usually called because of violation or misconduct, basically unsportsmanlike conduct not involving physical contact between players. 技术犯规。比如球员对裁判出言不逊,教练在旁叫嚣,都可能被判技术犯规。球员季后赛系列战若超过七次技术犯规,就要禁赛一场。
- Any attempts to gain a competitive advantage by removing the safety glasses or ear protectors after the course of fire has commenced shall be considered unsportsmanlike conduct . 比赛开始后任何欲以移除护目镜或耳罩来获得竞争优势的企图将被视为没有运动家精神的举动。
- Other than a few unfortunate incidences and minor unsportsmanlike conducts, this Olympics brought an excitement from the high level of competitions. 除了一些不幸的事件和轻微违反体育精神的表现外,这次奥运会高水准的比赛实在带给我们不少兴奋。
- Due to some unsportsmanlike conducts from some competitors of low character, we urge you to join the helper program prior to make the appointment phone call. 由于某些恶质同行的不名誉竞争手法,我们请您尽量事先加入赞助计画,再打电话预约。
- prejudice, and unsportsmanlike conduct as possible, in line with its creed: 偏见和缺乏运动精神之议,以符合该会的信条:
- His conduct is a mere cover-up for his nervousness. 他的行为只是为了掩护他的紧张。
- Her conduct lies beyond all question and reproach. 她的行为不容怀疑,无可指责。
- Such conduct is displeasing to your parents. 这种行为会使你的父母生气的。
- His conduct has always been above suspicion. 他的行为一直无可质疑。
- She explained her conduct to her boss. 她向老板说明了自己那种表现的原因。
- She's pained by her son's conduct. 她对儿子的行为感到痛心。
- Such conduct is beneath contempt. 这种举动为人所不齿。
- Based on the report, Miss Williams was assessed a Code Violation, point penalty, for Unsportsmanlike Conduct, ending the match。 基于这一点,威廉姆斯小姐被认定违法赛场规定,因为其没有运动精神的行为而受到罚分的处罚,比赛也因此结束。