- unidirectional determinism 单向决定论
- The reinforcement was unidirectional. 增强是单方向的。
- Channels can be unidirectional or bidirectional. 通道可以是单向的或双向的。
- An electrical system fed by unidirectional voltage. 由直流电压供电的系统。
- First this is an unidirectional adjustment. 首先这是一次单向调节。
- Conversion of alternating to unidirectional current. 整流交流电转变到单向电流
- In fact, determinism is required for self-control. 事实上,自我控制需要决定论。
- The notion of linguistic determinism. 语言决定论的概念。
- Events in the world undeniably form a unidirectional sequence. 无可否认的,世界上发生的事件只有单向的顺序。
- The determinism property of the function or view. 函数或视图的确定性属性。
- Determinism denies the existence of free will. 宿命论否认自由意志的存在。
- XLink offers much more than unidirectional linking, though. 但XLink提供的远远不止是单向链接。
- Class Designer supports only unidirectional associations. 类设计器仅支持单向关联。
- Some VCCs are unidirectional;others are bidirectional. 一些VCC是单向的,另一些时双向的。
- Einstein was distressed at this loss of determinism. 爱因斯坦为这种抛弃决定论的做法而担忧。
- Biolar shift registers are classified as unidirectional and bidirectional. 双极型移位寄存器可分为单向和双向两种。
- Computers simulate determinism; only the Tao is perfect. 计算机只是决定论的产物;只有道才是唯一完美的。
- Strictly speaking, however, fatalism is not a form of determinism. 严格说来,宿命论并不是一种决定论。
- Old-fashioned determinism was what we may call hard determinism. 老式决定论是可称为刚性决定论的东西。
- Can be activated, and will result in a read-only, unidirectional dataset. 它将产生一个只读的单向数据集。