Even paved parking lots often display a few tufts of tough grass poking up through the cracks. 即使是在铺砖的停车场,也常会有几簇顽强的小草从缝隙间探出身来。
In this benign gland, the luminal contour shows tufts and papillary infoldings. 下面的良性前列腺腺体内,腺腔内可见丛状和乳头状内折。
Large herds of cape buffalo, with their massive curved horns and muscular bodies, graze slowly, pulling up tufts of grass with their wide muzzles. 一大群非洲黑色大水牛,头顶弯曲而有力的巨角,肌肉强健,它们用宽嘴拔出一丛草,不慌不忙地嚼着。