- How Trustworthy Is Trusted Computing? 可信计算有多可信赖?
- Cybersecurity and Domestic Surveillance or Why Trusted Computing Shouldn't Be? 数字安全与国内监督,或为何原本可信的计算机面目全非?
- Lev has also worked in the areas of application security and trusted computing. Lev也从事于应用程序安全和可信的计算方面的研究。
- Trusted Computing is one of the hottest topics in the information security field. 可信计算是目前信息安全领域研究的热点问题之一。
- With the technique of trusted computing,dsigned and implemented the mechanism of resisting malic... 利用可信计算技术设计并实现恶意代码防御机制。
- Private computers are also known as trusted computers. 私人计算机也称为受信任的计算机。
- We first introduced the TPM hardware structure, several focus points of Trusted Computing and HMAC and SHA-1 algorithms. 文章首先介绍了可信计算若干关键技术、TPM硬件结构以及HMAC、SHA-1算法。
- Trusted computing in this form is the ultimate reversal of the human-centric, loosely-coupled design approach of the Internet. 这种形式的可信任计算完全反转了以人为中心、松散结合的互联网设计理念。
- The difference of MTM and TPM on the security model is compared,then the process implementing trusted computing is given. 比较了MTM和TPM在安全模型上的区别,给出了实现可信机制的过程。
- One of the Trusted Computing Group(TCG) infrastructure is credential system,which participates in trusted chain of transmission process. 证书体系在可信计算中具有基础支撑作用,它参与完成了信任传递的整个过程。
- The authorization data is issued by a server that belongs to the trusted computing base of the system and is considered secure in its administrative domain. 授权数据是由那些属于系统中可信计算基础的服务器颁发的,因此在它所管理的域中可以认为是安全的。
- Those standards talks are still ongoing at the IETF, which so far is following the standards mapped out by the industry consortium Trusted Computing Group. 这些标准的谈判仍在进行,在IETF的,而这一点至今是以下的标准,制定了由工业财团的信任计算工作组。
- Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria(TCSEC), DOD5200.28-STD Dec 1985. 行政机关资讯系统安全稽核制度之研究;1996;行政院研考会编印.
- In order to use trusted computing technology in video surveillance system, a scheme of video surveillance server embedded TPM is designed in this paper. 本方案通过视频监控服务器内嵌可信计算平台模块TPM,将可信计算技术引入到视频监控系统中。
- Taylorism, the Bell system, and trusted computing are all efforts to remove human agency from action and replace it with well-designed, tightly-bound systems. 泰勒主义(Taylorism)、贝尔制度(Bellsystem)和可信任计算试图移除操作中的人类自主力量,并代之以设计完备、紧密结合的系统。
- This decline was met with arguments in favor of building security into the technical system, both at its core, in the network elements themselves, and at its periphery, through “trusted computing. 这种信任的减少伴随着另一种争论,即通过“可信任计算”在技术系统中建造安全系统,包括位于核心的网络原理本身,以及其周边系统。
- Although the Trusted Computing Group (TCG) has defined specifications for Trusted Computing, including those of Trusted Platform Module (TPM), criteria on compliance testing is still not available. 目前TCG尽管已经发布了可信计算的相关标准,但是缺乏标准符合性验证的规范。
- Adaptive Server Anywhere 7.0 Was awarded a TCSEC (Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria) C2 security rating from the U.S. Government. Adaptive Server Anywhere 7.;0荣获美国政府授予的TCSEC(可信计算机系统评估标准)C2安全等级。
- TCG releases the trusted computing specification,the main idea of which is to enforce the security of the platform and the applications on it by confirming integrity of the components comprise it. 可信计算组织(TCG)提出了可信计算规范,其主要思想就是通过度量和保障组成平台的各组件的完整性来保证平台及应用的安全。