- transnational culture exchange 跨文化交流
- SOARING WORLD International CULTURE EXCHANGE INC. 公司简介:北京翱翔天下国际文化交流有限公司。
- Join in Culture Exchange Summer Camp! 加入中西文化夏令营,快乐一夏,受益一生!
- And boosted foreign culture exchange. 促进了中外文化的交流。
- Cultural exchange is a way of building bridge between nations. 文化交流是国与国之间建立联系的桥梁。
- Guangdong Century Bridge Education Culture Exchange Co., Ltd. 广东世纪桥教育文化交流有限公司。
- Happytimes Chinese-western Diet Culture Exchange Co., Ltd. 快乐时光中西饮食文化交流有限公司。
- CICE has long regarded the worldwide culture exchange as its own duty. 中外文化交流中心始终视世界文化交流为己任!
- He is eager to enter into correspondence with an Englishman for promoting culture exchange. 他渴望能和一位英国人建立通信联系,以便促进文化交流。
- Cultural exchanges are a way of building bridges between nations. 文化交流是国与国之间建立联系的桥梁。
- May the cultural exchange between China and Japan be everlasting. 愿中日两国人民像飞翔在天上的香音神那样,世世代代友好,愿中日友好文化交流万古长青!
- Shanghai Hua-Shen Sino-Foreign Cultural Exchange Service Co., Ltd. 上海华申中外文化交流服务有限公司。
- The goal of our diplomatic visit is cultural exchange. 我们这次奉使出国的目的是文化交流。
- Key words:Nation , dialect , China-Japan cultural exchange , totem. 关键词:民族性,方言,中日文化交流,图腾。
- I find the aspect of cultural exchange fascinating, however. 我还发现文化的交流也是很迷人的。
- It is a commercial film that offers no cultural exchange. 这是一部商业电影,提供不了什么文化交流。
- In human history, cultural exchange began with the very emergence of culture. 人类自有文化就有文化交流。
- An Exploration to Syntactics and Communication of Transnational Culture 符号学与跨文化交际探究
- Cultural exchanges make for mutual understanding. 文化交流有助于互相了解。
- Silver Beauty International Culture Exchange Co. Ltd., Chairman, Carrie Yin, Master of Art, Thames Valley University. 另一面印的是中文:银倩国际文化交流公司,董事长,银倩,英国泰晤士河谷大学艺术硕士。