- The software provides you with the Nanjing bus transfer information. 本软件为您提供南京市巴士的换乘信息。
- Please go to attachments for bank transfer information and Registration Form. 银行帐号信息以及报名表请参阅附件。
- The process of transferring information in the various media from one point,person or device to another. 通过各种介质将信息从一个地点、一个人或一台设备传送到另一个地点、另一个人或设备的过程。
- Recording heads are capable of transferring information from a disk to the memory of the computer. 磁头能将信息从磁盘传送至计算机的内部存储器。
- The newsgroup is used in Internet for transferring information in which the subscribers can publish their messages and read what others upload. 新闻组是互联网用来传送信息的,订阅者可以通过它发布信息或阅读他人登载的信息。
- A mode of transferring information across a network, between users, without establishing a logical connection or a virtual circuit. 经过网络在用户间传送信息的一种方式,在此方式中无须建立逻辑连接或虚电路。
- The process of transferring information in the various media from one point, person or device to another. 通过各种介质将信息从一个地点、一个人或一台设备传送到另一个地点、另一个人或设备的过程。
- We provide services involving retrieving information, transferring information, SDI service, training users and giving lectures concerning information. 我们提供的服务包括情报检索,情报传递,定题服务,用户培训以及开设文献检索课。返回图书馆主页。
- Lecture: An art of transferring information from the notes of the lecturer to the notes of the students without passing through the minds of either. 讲座:是一门把知识从教师讲课笔记转换到学生上课笔记的艺术,而这种知识都未经过双方的脑子。
- Small or large, a computer network exists to provide computer users with the means of communicating and transferring information electronically. 计算机网络无论大小,其存在的目的均是为计算机用户提供以电子方式进行信息通信与传送的方法。
- Narratology has entered a pluralistic research period.As a particular place transferring information, urban square has the narrative characteristic. 摘要叙事学研究已进入多元化时期,作为一种能传递信息的场所,城市广场具有叙事性。
- A direct memory address (DMA) is normally used to transfer information directly between devices, bypassing the CPU. 一个直接的存储器位址(DMA)通常被用在装置之间直接地传递信息,省略处理器。
- The translation of a Chinese non-literary text should follow the criterion of transferring information into its English version using standard language. 摘要汉语非文学类文本的英译应该遵循用规范的英语准确地传递原文所承载的信息的标准。
- Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the essential genetic material of the living organisms, which has the function of storing up and transferring information. 脱氧核糖核酸 (DNA) 是生命体的基因物质,是遗传信息的承担者,具有储存和传递信息的功能。
- You can run more than one application at a time,transfer information between them and switch quickly among them. 在某一时刻可以同时运行多个应用程序,在它们之间传递信息,在它们之间快速地切换。
- The Windows Process Activation Service supports applications that use different ways to transfer information. Windows进程激活服务支持使用各种方法传输信息的应用程序。
- A hardware- or software-based interface used to transfer information between a computer and other devices. 一种基于硬件或软件的接口,用来在计算机和其他设备之间传输信息。
- You can run more than one application at a time, transfer information between them and switch quickly among them. 在某一时刻可以同时运行多个应用程序,在它们之间传递信息,在它们之间快速地切换。
- The CPU and peripheral controllers work together to transfer information between the computer and its users. CPU与外围设备控制器协同工作以在用户和计算机之间传输信息。
- This protocol is based ongigabit LAN/MANs and uses MAC( Medium Access Control)protocol and ATM to transfer information. 这个协议建立在吉比特的LAN/MAN(局域网/城域网)上,并以MAC(媒体存取控制)协议和ATM(异步转移模式)来传送信息。