- The factory had been sending out toxic fumes. 这家工厂一直在排放有毒的废气。
- Sports fans in delirium after their team's victory. 球迷在他们所支持的球队胜利后的极度兴奋
- Beware how you handle the toxic chemical. 小心处理有毒的化学药品。
- toxic delirium 中毒性谵妄
- A toxic chemical or other substance. 有毒的化学品或其它物质
- The degree to which a substance is toxic. 毒效一种物质毒性所达到的程度
- Of, suffering from, or characteristic of delirium. 失常的,精神错乱的神志失常的,遭受神志失常的痛苦的,或具有神志失常的特征的
- The evening was no longer joy, but delirium. 所以当天傍晚阿尔贝得意洋洋地回来了,他不单是高兴,简直有点要热昏了头。
- Contemplate your incarnate Delirium Tremens! 好好看一看你们这个具体化的酒疯子!
- Oh, how oppressive this continual delirium is. 啊,这种连续的昏迷是多么痛苦啊!
- A substance having a specific toxic effect on certain cells. 细胞毒素对某些细胞有特殊毒害作用的物质
- Acute infectious diseases, high fever, delirium. 急性热病,高热不退,神昏谵语,热毒斑疹。
- Derived from or containing toxic matter. 从有毒物质中获得的或含有有毒物质的
- Toxic doses can produce a febrile effect. 中毒剂量可产生发热作用。
- Are they metabolized to more toxic compounds. 它们是否被代谢成毒性更强的化合物?
- A toxic condition;toxic hepatitis. 中毒状况,中毒性肝炎
- Many pesticides are highly toxic. 许多杀虫剂毒性很大。
- Mental dullness is prominent, and delirium may occur. 神志迟钝加甚,且可发生谵妄。
- Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea. 太多的有毒废料在向大海里倾倒。
- The quality or condition of being toxic or destructive to the liver. 肝中毒对肝有毒的或毁灭性的性质或状况