- The toolshed was built as an extension of the house. 工具房被看作是这座房屋的附加部分。
- Out back, the creature crawled into the yard and hid in a toolshed. 而屋后,外星生物爬进了后院,并藏在了工具棚里。
- Can you teach me the nuts and bolts of building a toolshed? 你能按部就班地教我怎样盖一间工具房吗?
- The treehouse was constructed from the unused toolshed. 这间树屋是用一个废弃的工具房改建成的。
- And rushed into the toolshed, and jumped into a can. 他冲进工具棚,跳进一个水壶。
- Wind the wire in loops and put it away in the toolshed. 把铁丝绕成圈圈,放到工具棚里。
- Elliott, looking for his dag in the backyard, heard strange noises coming from the toolshed. 艾略特在后院找他的狗,听见从工具棚里发出了奇怪的声音。
- Two years later, she had a small writing room in the garden constructed out of a wooden toolshed below a loft. 两年后,她在花园里拥有了一个用于写作的小房间,那是从阁楼下的木制棚屋改建而来的。
- The fishing vest was stiff with newness; all of the correct hardware,shiny and untested,hung from his chest,like tools in a toolshed. 簇新的钓鱼装坚硬挺括,那些钓具更是崭新发亮,未经沙场,吊在他的胸前活像搁置在工具室里的玩艺。
- Where is my umbrella? The toolshed is in the back; also for abstract situations and relations: What is behind this behavior? 我的雨伞在哪儿?工具室在后面;也对抽象的情形和关系:这种行为的背后是什么?
- All went well until the end of the tour, when the real-estate agent was touting the charms of the back yard, which included a small toolshed. 一切进行的很顺利直到展销的最后,房地产商吹嘘房子后院的迷人之处时(事情就有了变化)。后院有一个小工具室。
- The fishing vest was stiff with newness;all of the correct hardware, shiny and untested, hung from his chest, like tools in a toolshed. 簇新的钓鱼装坚硬挺括,那些钓具更是崭新发亮,未经沙场,吊在他的胸前活像搁置在工具室里的玩艺。
- And rushed into the toolshed, and jumped into a can.It would have been a beautiful thing to hide in , if it had not had so much water in it. 他冲进工具棚,跳进一个水壶。这个水壶本来是个最合适的藏身之所,要是里面没有那么多水的话。
- He went back towards the toolshed, but suddenly, quite close to him, he heard the noise of a hoe--scr-r-ritch, scratch, scratch, scritch. Peter scuttered underneath the bushes. 他溜回工具间那里,这时忽然传来哗啦哗啦的锄地声,彼得吓坏了,赶快藏到灌木下面,大气也不敢出。
- He looked like a model for an outdoor catalogue. The fishing vest was stiff with newness; all of the correct hardware, shiny and untested, hung from his chest, like tools in a toolshed. 簇新的钓鱼装坚硬挺括,那些钓具更是崭新发亮,未经沙场,吊在他的胸前活像搁置在工具室里的玩艺。
- He looked like a model for an outdoor catalogue.The fishing vest was stiff with newness ;all of the correct hardware, shiny and untested, hung from his chest, like tools in a toolshed. 簇新的钓鱼装坚硬挺括,那些钓具更是崭新发亮,未经沙场,吊在他的胸前活像搁置在工具室里的玩艺。
- Oh here’s to my sweet Satan.The one whose little path would make me sad, whose power is Satan.He’ll give those with him 666.There was a little toolshed where he made us suffer, sad Satan. 对于熟悉摇滚乐的朋友来说,可能早就知道这传闻了,不过我是最近才关注到这个经典歌曲,对于这个充满神秘的传闻很好奇。
- Anyone can have a mouse in the toolshed; 在工具室必然要有老鼠;
- shiny and untested, hung from his chest, like tools in a toolshed. 那些钓具更是崭新发亮,未经沙场,吊在他的胸前活像搁置在工具室里的玩艺。
- all of the correct hardware, shiny and untested, hung from his chest, like tools in a toolshed 那些钓具更是崭新发亮,未经沙场,吊在他的胸前活像搁置在工具室里的玩艺。