- He's of an age when he ought to settle down. 他已经到了应该安顿下来的年龄了。
- Are you just back for a visit, or do you plan to settle down and work here? 你是回来看看,还是准备住下来在这儿工作?
- After all the recent excitement things have begun to settle down again. 经过最近这些激烈事情之後,一切又都平静下来了。
- I want to settle down,and turn over a new leaf. 我想安顿下来,洗心革面,重新做人。
- Wuxi is where my parents want to settle down. 无锡是我父母想定居的地方.
- A: I want you to settle down and start studying. 我想让你静下心来学习。
- It won't lake you long to settle down. 用不了多久,你就会习惯的。
- It won't take me long to settle down. 用不了多久我就会适应的。
- He is of an age when he ought to settle down. 他已到了应该安顿下来的年龄。
- Nowhere is there a place for him to settle down. 他已经无处藏身。
- I guess it's time for me to settle down. 我想该是有归宿的时候了。
- I want to settle down, and turn over a new leaf. 我想安顿下来,洗心革面,重新做人。
- We plan to settle down in Taipei. 我们打算在台北定居。
- I guess it's time to settle down. 我想该是有归宿的时候了。
- Pedro: I decided to settle down with one girl. 佩德罗:我决定只把心放在一个女孩身上。
- I've decided to settle down in Beijing. 我决定在北京定居。
- Trying to settle down, the outcome is still fickle. 说要定下心来,结果还是很浮躁。----------------
- All too many young people go off the rails during their teens but they seem to settle down after a few years. 太多的年轻人在他们年轻时行为有些愚蠢,但几年后他们似乎就安顿了下来。
- At30 we need to settle down to our lives and shed from fantasies. But to the despondent I whisper that life begins at40. 30岁时,我们需要安定下来,丢掉幻想。但对那些灰心丧气的人我却低声说40岁生活才开始。
- He waited for the audience to settle down before he spoke. 他等听众安静下来后才讲话。