- to reach my native village 到达我的故乡
- I dreamed about my native village. 我梦见我的家乡。
- My native village was ravaged seriously in the war. 我的故乡在战争中受到严重的蹂躏。
- My native village is ringed with hills. 我的家乡四面环山。
- A camel fleet to carry me to my native place. 木兰不用尚书郎,愿借千里足,送儿还故乡。
- So I expected to reach my seat unnoticed under the cover of all this noise. 于是我希望能在这片嘈杂声的掩盖下偷偷溜到座位上。
- I tried hard to reach my hand out for the book on the top of the shelf, but in vain. 我使劲伸手够那本书书架顶上的书,但没够着。
- Spare me sufficient days to reach my goals; yet help me to live this day as though it be my last. 赐给我足够的时间,好让我达到目标。帮助我珍惜每日如最后一天。
- Although the speaker was close at my elbow, his voice seemed to reach my ears from the distance of a mile. 虽然说话的人就在眼前,可是听来声音却像从里把路外传到耳朵里来似的。
- He fled his native village to join the Red Army. 他当年逃离家乡去参加红军。
- The crowd in the station is so thick that I had to push through to reach my friend. 车站人群太拥挤, 我不得不使劲挤, 才能挤到朋友跟前。
- Afetr being sidelined for such a long period, I will need some time to reach my top form. 在受伤很长一段时间后,我需要一些时间来恢复到最佳状态。
- "There was a time when things were rough, but I was able to reach my goals," the mayor said on a panel that showed his diet results. 森下隆夫市长在展示其减肥成果的座谈会上说,“有一段时间相当艰难,不过我最终还是达到了自己的目标。
- Carrie did not want to stay poked up in his native village. 卡里不肯呆在他的本村。
- Kevin: I'm trying to reach my friend overseas using this prepaid phone card I just bought. Oh yeah, if it makes any difference, I'm calling from a payphone. 我正设法使用我刚买的这张电话预付卡联络我国外的朋友。对了,不一样的地方是,我是从公共电话打进来的。
- The jury are unable to reach a unanimous decision. 陪审团未能达成意见一致的裁决。
- It was good going to reach London by midday. 那次行进速度很快,到中午已抵达伦敦。
- His suggestion is hard to reach to. 他的建议令人难以接受。
- Her ideas are difficult to reach to. 她的观点难以为人接受。
- English is not my native language. 英语不是我的本族语言。