- Some persons have abandoned the fine tradition of the mass line and like to throw their weight around. 有的人喜欢指手画脚,把群众路线的优良传统也丢掉了。
- After their defeat of the Georgians, the Russians will throw their weight around the neighbourhood. 在格鲁吉亚失败后,俄罗斯将向其邻邦显示权威。
- IN REYKJAVIK almost two years ago the Norwegians were throwing their weight around and the locals were furious. 大约在2年之前,在Reykjavik(冰岛首都),挪威人正四处抛售他们的权重资产并激怒了当地人。
- I watched with amusement as these guys attempted to throw their weight around 那些家伙企图显示威风,我在旁边看着好笑
- Elders, for example, are not to be those renowned for throwing their weight around, for badgering others, and for using their position or wealth or credentials to enforce their own opinions. 举例而言,长老并不是那些使用他们的权力欺压他人,用他们的地位和财富或学位来强化自己意见的人。
- throw their weight around vt. 滥用权势(盛气凌人;骄横跋扈)
- I say it's a good sign when the bastards have to throw their weight about. 我说这批兔崽子非得亲自出来称雄道霸,倒是个好现象。
- Led by power forward Carlos Boozer on the starting frontline and with bulky reserves in Matt Harping and Paul Milsap, the Jazz usually look to throw their weight -- and elbows -- around. 有大前锋布泽尔坐阵,还有大体积的哈普灵和米尔萨普,爵士在体格上的优势显露无遗。
- The undecided superdelegates could end the race now, if enough of them decide to throw their weight behind Mr Obama. 尚未作决定的超级代表里,如果有足够的人现在就决定公开支持奥巴马的话,他们马上就能结束这场竞赛。
- And if the Turks jump in,conceivably Russian nationalists could then openly throw their weight behind the Serbs. 如果土耳其人参战,那么俄国民族主义者公开支持塞尔维亚人是可以想象得到的。
- threw their weight around v. 滥用权势(盛气凌人;骄横跋扈)
- thrown their weight around v. 滥用权势(盛气凌人;骄横跋扈)
- The internationalist and radical left must throw their weight into the balance to help secure a defeat for imperialism that can weaken the global tyranny of capital. 国际主义者和激进左派必须竭尽全力帮助反抗帝国主义的斗争,这一斗争会削弱资本的全球暴政。
- On hearing the progress report by frustrated investigators, the ORC members threw their weight behind the ICAC in getting to the bottom of the case. 调查人员当日向审委会汇报有关案件调查进展时,委员们全力支持和鼓励廉署彻底追查。
- He was there every day to throw his weight around. 他每天只是在那里作威作福。
- He always tries to throw his weight around. 他老觉得自己了不起,想要影响别人。
- When Mr Brown said he would stay away if Mr Mugabe showed up, and the Africans threw their weight behind Mr Mugabe, the Portuguese chose to go ahead without Mr Brown rather than spoil the party. 因此,当布朗先生表示,如果穆加贝总统出现,他将拒不与会,而且非洲国家也表示鼎力态支持穆加贝总统的时侯,葡萄牙便放弃了布朗先生一如既往,也不愿意去破坏会议。
- Don't you know anyone who could throw his weight around? 你是否认识有影响的人物?
- People throw their litter everywhere. 人们到处扔垃圾。
- Mr. Lin is trying to throw his weight around in his. 林想影响办公室里所有的人。