- To throw oneself at someone's feet. 这个俗语可以解释为:公开对某人表示爱慕。
- throw oneself at the feet of sb. 崇拜某人
- throw oneself at the head of someone 勾引某人
- It's no fun to find oneself at the end of the rope. 山穷水尽,可不是好玩儿的。
- Yes, China is like a giant magnet that is irresistible. But if one does not wish to end up in a sorry state, one would do well to check if one is well equipped before one throws oneself at it. 所以,中国虽有难以抗拒的魅力,是块巨大的磁铁,在飞身让它吸过去前,也别忘了检查是否真的准备就绪,可不能"轻装"上阵,否则磁性太强,就扑过去时弄得遍体鳞伤,多难堪。
- Even if is micro-organisms and so on chicken, cat which is near at hand they can go to throw oneself nips. 即使是近在咫尺的小鸡、小猫等小动物它们也不会去扑咬。
- To throw oneself into strange teachings is quite dangerous. 攻乎异端,斯害也己。
- Profit oneself at the expense of others dooms no good end. 企图损人利已的人是不会有好下场的。
- throw oneself at sb's mercy 向某人请求宽恕
- Throw oneself at sth.sb 冲向某物[某人]
- Throw oneself at sth/sb 冲向某物[某人]
- It is much more convenient and, incidentally, cheaper to shave oneself at home. 在家自己刮胡子要方便得多。顺便说一下,也便宜得多。
- throw oneself at someone's feet 拜倒在某人脚下
- throw oneself at sb 拼命讨好某人, 朝某人猛力撞过去
- throw oneself at v. 向 ... 猛扑过去; 拼命讨好
- throw oneself at one's feet 拜倒在one's脚下; 崇拜
- throw oneself at someone's head 勾引某人
- They beat her, saying, 'You are abundant,' so one can enrich oneself at your expense. 他们一面揍它一面说“你真富饶”,于是他们在你身上发财致富。
- Eastern a rt life conduct art into real life,western art life often neglect real existence and throw oneself into art life. 东方式的艺术人生是将艺术拉进现实生活,而西方式的艺术人生则多是轻视现实存在而投向艺术的人生。
- Each more, be proclaimed oneself at long last this time the" official title"s of I. 俺的“官衔”又多了一个了,但这回总算不是自封的。