- throw a lie in sb's face 当面斥责某人说谎
- throw a lie in sb.'s face v. 当面戳穿某人说谎
- Why didn't you take a lie in your bed? 你何不在床上躺一躺?
- It's a lie in every sense of the word. 这是一个不折不扣的谎言。
- It's a lie in every sense of word. 这是不折不扣的谎言。
- You shouldn't tell a lie in front of the boss. 你不该当着老板的面撒谎。
- throw a lie in someone's face 当面斥责某人说谎
- "Melly Hamilton, I never heard such a lie in all my life! "我还从没听人说过这样的弥天大谎呢!
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。
- I caught a flu and had to lie in the bed. 我得了流感,不得不卧床休息。
- I throw a ball to her and she catch it. 我把球扔给她,她接住了。
- It's a holiday tomorrow, so you can lie in. 明天是假日,你可以睡懒觉了。
- It’s easy enough to throw a frisby . 扔飞盘非常容易。
- He's in disgrace (with his father) because he told a lie. 他撒了个谎,惹得父亲很不痛快。
- Her diaries throw a new light upon certain incidents. 她的日记对一些事件提供了新的解释。
- The girl ' s face mantled in joy. 那女孩高兴得脸上泛起红晕。
- She throw a stone into the pond and watch the ripples spread. 她把一块石头扔进池塘里,看著水的波纹扩散开。
- He is so naive as to believe such a lie. 他竟然幼稚得连这种谎言都相信。
- My grandfather was a very moral man; he never told a lie in his life. 我祖父是个很有道德的人,他一生中从未说过一次谎。
- Kyousuke shot a quick peek at Madoka?s face. 恭介很快的瞥了一眼阿圆的脸。