- the lifespan of enterprise 企业生命周期
- The yeasty odor had no effect on the lifespan of fully fed flies. 酵母香气对于有充足食物的果蝇的寿命没有影响。
- Doing so will decrease the lifespan of the product rapidly. 这样做会令产品的寿命快速下降。
- However, the lifespan of her phenomenal talons is drawing to a close. 然而,她那出众的长指甲就要留到头了。
- Password expiration policies are used to manage the lifespan of a password. 密码过期策略用于管理密码的使用期限。
- The lifespan of an initiative is assured only until the next milestone. 计划的里程碑直至下一个里程碑才得以确保。
- This greatly increases the lifespan of your applications because they continue to work with the latest devices. 这极大地延长了应用程序的生存期,因为它们可以继续在最新设备上运行。
- He get the job because he show the spirit of enterprise. 他因为表现出进取精神,所以得到了这份工作。
- Under normal circumstances, the lifespan of Zinc-Cu-Ti roof is 70 years, requiring no special maintenance. 屋面用锌铜钛的正常使用寿命长达70年以上,而不需特别维护;
- Only in the most exceptional circumstance is the lifespan of a patent extended to alter this normal process of events. 只有在非常特殊的情形下;专利的维护期才可能延长;从而改变正常的操作进程.
- China now even encourage the set- up of enterprise with100% foreign investment. 中国现在甚至鼓励建立100%的外商独资企业。
- Conversely, they established that an increase in BMP signaling can prolong the lifespan of stem cells and promote proliferation. 相反,他们发现,当BMP信号活动增加时,干细胞的寿命延长,增殖能力加强。
- The reformation and utilization of old buildings prolongs the lifespan of the old and not-so-old buildings as it preserves urban memory. 对旧建筑的改造利用可以使这些既存的老的、或不那么老的房子的寿命得以延长,留下来就是留下了城市的记忆。
- Once the Follicle is affected by the causes of hairloss, the Follicle weakens and the lifespan of the hair is shortened prematurely. 一旦受到脱发诱因的影响,毛囊将会变得脆弱,头发寿命也会缩短。
- You can spark the spirit of enterprise. 你们可以激发事业上的进取心。
- In fact, the lifespan of erythrocytes in sickle cell disease has been obsered to be only 10-12 days, compared to the normal 120 days (4). 事实上,据观察,镰状细胞病红细胞的寿命只有10-12天,而正常红细胞的寿命为120天[4]。
- Abstract Based on the wear mechanism of cylinder. the paper points out prolonging the lifespan of cylinder is toimprove the hardness of cylinder's surface. 从缸套磨损机理出发,指出提高缸套的使用寿命主要是提高缸套的表面硬度。
- Team spirit is the core of enterprise culture. 团队精神,是企业文化的核心。
- Scientists have long known they could increase the lifespan of mice and more primitive creatures -- worms, flies -- with deep, long-term cuts in what should be normal consumption. 科学家早就知道,他们可能会增加小鼠的寿命和更原始的生物-蠕虫,苍蝇-深,长期的削减应该是什么正常的消费。
- Thrift may be the handmaid and nurse of Enterprise. 节俭可以是进取精神的仆人和护理人,同样地也可以不是。