- There is an opening in the hedge. 这篱笆上有个洞。
- He cut the hedge with garden shears. 他用园艺大剪刀修剪树篱。
- Will the hedge keep the sheep out of the field? 这篱笆能将羊群挡在田地外面吗?
- The dog gave tongue when the fox came through the hedge. 当狐狸从栅栏后出现时,狗发出了吠声。
- We had better get under the lee of the hedge until the rain stops. 我们最好在树篱下躲一躲等雨停。
- She at once descended from the hedge. 她马上从树篱上爬下来。
- Let the best horse leap the hedge first. 良马先越篱。
- He cleared the hedge at one bound. 他一跃跳过了篱笆。
- Men leap over where the hedge is lowest . 人从篱笆低处越。
- Have you finished clipping the hedge? 你把树篱剪完了吗?
- Men leap over where the hedge is lowest. 跳墙应选最低处。
- He squeezed through a gap in the hedge. 他从树篱的缺口处挤过去。
- Trim the hedge and collect the trimmings . 把树篱修剪一下,然后把剪下的枝条收在一起。
- I see far ahead, on the other side of the hedge bordering the high road, a small notice-board. 我看见前面远处在公路边上树篱的另一侧有一个小布告牌。
- Spring has come and the hedges are putting forth new leaves. 春天到了,树篱长出了新叶子。
- The girl turned and ran away through the hedge. 姑娘转身通过矮树篱笆跑走了。
- Sit on (both sides of) the hedge. 耍两面派。
- The hedge keep the sheep out of the field? 这篱笆能将羊群挡在田地外面吗?
- He was shot from behind the hedge. 他从掩体后被击中。
- Where do the hedge fund guys hang out? 避险基金的经理人常在哪里出现啊?