- The factory has laid off workers because of the drop in sales. 因为销售额减少,工厂解雇了一批工人。
- Many companies laid off workers this year. 许多公司今年解雇了工人。
- A Few Organization Forms for the Laid - off Workers and the Unemployed Going in for Community Service Trade 当前下岗失业人员从事社区服务业的几种组织形式
- Thinking and Countermeasures to Labor Relations'Reform of the Laid - off Workers 下岗职工劳动关系改革的思路与对策
- Deepening Reform and Accelerating Development to Promote the Reemployment of the Laid - off Workers in the State - owned Enterprises 深化改革加快发展促进国企下岗职工再就业
- Most family-run nurseries are set up by laid off workers. 开办家庭托儿所的多为下岗工人。
- The company will lay off workers to balance the budget. 这家公司会裁员,以平衡预算。
- Approach to Cope Carefully and Skillfully with the Problems Concerning with the Labour Relationship of the Laid off Workers in Geology and Exploratory Line 对妥善处理地勘系统下岗职工劳动关系问题的探讨
- Young laid off workers who constantly compare the new job with old ones. 第四种是年轻的下岗工人总是把新工作与原来的工作进行比较。
- Laying off workers is the dirty part of this job. 解雇工人是这件工作中令人讨厌的地方.
- Its 1950s-era textile mills are laying off workers. 五十年代修建的纺织厂的工人们纷纷下岗。
- Locate the drip lines drums on the laying device. 在铺设设备上装上滴灌管卷。
- Companies, left holding more inventory than they could sell, throttled back production and laid off workers. 企业的库存超出了它们的销售能力,因此被迫降低生产,裁减工人。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。
- Companies lay off workers, making consumers even warier about spending, and demand falls again. 公司临时解雇工人,这使消费者花钱愈发小心翼翼,而需求进一步下降。
- In the early 1990s, the American Management Association and the Wyatt Company conducted a thorough study of companies that had laid off workers. 20世纪90年代早期,美国管理协会和惠悦公司在裁员的公司中进行了一次彻底的调查和研究。
- Let's lie off till the next feeding time. 歇会儿,到下次加料时再干。
- In Chegutu, close to Mr Mugabe's home, shops are depressingly bare, and the struggling local factories and farms have laid off workers. 穆加贝家乡附近的彻故图(Chegutu),零零点点的商店让人感到萧条,而本地挣扎的工厂与农场也让很多工人下岗。
- The laid of floor brick wants from area center to all around patulous. 地板砖的铺设要从地面中心向四面扩展。