- Few people would not exult at the smash of "the gang of four". 很少有人不为“四人帮”的粉碎而欢呼雀跃。
- The Gang of Four did not agree with me. “四人帮”说不行。
- But how did the Gang of Four respond? 而“四人帮”怎么说呢?
- Whatever sentence is passed on the Gang of Four won't be excessive. 怎么给“四人帮”定罪都不过分。
- Few people would not exult at the smash of" the gang of four. 很少有人不为“四人帮”的粉碎而欢呼雀跃。
- The gang of four really debased our standards of social conduct. “四人帮”确实把我们的风气搞坏了。
- The Gang of Four labelled intellectuals the "stinking Number Nine". “四人帮”创造了一个名词叫“臭老九”。
- That was the sort of rubbish peddled by the Gang of Four. 这就是“四人帮”搞的那一套。
- Before long I was again toppled by the Gang of Four. 不久,我又被“四人帮”打倒了。
- Few people would not exult at the smash of"the gang of four. 很少有人不为“四人帮”的粉碎而欢呼雀跃。
- In fact,anarchy was practised in the days of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four. 实际上林彪、“四人帮”的时候才是搞无政府主义。
- In fact, anarchy was practised in the days of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four. 实际上林彪、“四人帮”的时候才是搞无政府主义。
- We should check up thoroughly on matters and people involved in the Gang of Four's plot to usurp Party and state power. 对于同“四人帮”篡党夺权阴谋活动有牵连的人和事,一定要彻底查清。
- This work was suspended for two years owing to interference and sabotage by the Gang of Four. 由于“四人帮”的干扰破坏,这一工作中断了两年。
- After the downfall of the Gang of Four, everything has been changing here in China too. 粉碎“四人帮”后,我们国内的各种事情都在变。
- The democratic rights of the people were trampled upon when Lin Biao and the Gang of Four were in power. 人民的民主权利,在林彪、“四人帮”横行时期遭到践踏。
- But the trial of the Gang of Four will not detract from Chairman Mao's prestige. 但是审判“四人帮”不会影响毛主席。
- The Gang of Four said it was better to be poor under socialism than to be rich under capitalism.This is absurd. 过去“四人帮”提出宁要贫穷的社会主义,也不要富裕的资本主义,那是荒谬的。
- The Gang of Four's absurd theory of socialism and communism led only to poverty and stagnation. “四人帮”荒谬的理论导致中国处于贫困、停滞的状态。
- The exposure and criticism of the Gang of Four is the key task at present and will be so for some time to come. 揭批“四人帮”,是当前和今后一个时期各项工作的纲。