- The contradiction theory of the materialistic dialectic is a scientific global view and methodology that set up the socialistic harmonious society. 唯物辩证法矛盾学说是构建社会主义和谐社会的科学世界观和方法论。
- The contradiction has become apparent. 矛盾表面化了。
- In this example, the contradiction is obvious. 在这个例子中,矛盾是明显的。
- the Contradiction theory 矛盾理论
- The contradiction was only apparent. 那矛盾只是表面上的。
- The contradiction stared them in the face. 这矛盾明显地摆在他们面前。
- The Dialectical Contradiction Theory,the Systematology and the View on Develo... 唯物辩证法的矛盾论、系统论和发展观对临床治疗具有普遍的指导意义。
- The contradictions are becoming increasingly acute. 矛盾日益尖锐。
- The contradictions are sharpening. 矛盾正在加剧。
- The contradiction of the latter pattern is that of the depreciation of the persuader's character and the confirmation of his persuading theory. 招隐型的矛盾表现为招隐者品格的贬抑和招隐者劝世理论的肯定,根植于作者在特定时世下对仕隐的依违难从。
- The forth part states the contradicting causes. 第四部分阐述了抗辩事由。
- The contradiction manifested itself in the employment situation. 在就业问题上矛盾暴露了。
- By analysis, we mean analyzing the contradiction in things. 通过分析,我们指对事物矛盾的分析。
- What resulted in the contradiction between theory and fact?Scholars usually find reasons from Hobbes' personal background and the conditions of his age. 对这一理论与现实问的悖论,学者们多是从霍布斯的人生经历和他所处的时代背景中寻找答案。
- Development arises from the contradiction inside a thing. 事物的发展起因于它的内部矛盾。
- Marx, by proceeding with the analysis of human in reality, conquered the contradiction in Feuerbach's human essence theory and founded scientific human essence theory. 马克思从分析现实的人入手,克服了费尔巴哈人的本质理论的矛盾,建立了科学的人的本质理论。
- The dictator predicted the contradiction in the dictionary. 独裁者预言了字典中的矛盾。
- But speaking and reciting are not the aspects on the contradiction. 但在谈到和背诵并不是方面对矛盾。
- He laid special stress on analysing the particularity of the contradiction. 他重点分析了这一矛盾的特殊性。
- The two statements contradict each other. 两种说法相互抵触。