- The old castle is steeped in history and legend. 这座老城堡充满了历史与传说。
- History and legend are often welded together. 历史和传奇总是被结合在一起。
- Dissect the text and find the author's meaning. 仔细分析课文以理解作者的意思。
- Web users prefer simple text and clear photos. 用户更青睐浅显易懂的文本和清晰的图片。
- The course is about fable and legend in modern literature. 这门课专讲现代文学中的神话和传奇作品。
- Text and graphics are printed at 300 dots per inch. 文字和插图按每英寸300个点的密度打印。
- Text and pictures can be scanned into the computer. 文字和图画可以扫描进计算机。
- Specifies font for chart subtitle, labels, and legend. 为图表副标题、标签和图例指定字体。
- Class using the specified menu text and value. 使用指定的菜单文本和值初始化。
- The specified text and a carriage return. 指定的文本和一个回车。
- And you'll have the normal sort of text and images. 而且你将会有正常的种本文和图像。
- Listen to the text and write a title for it. 放录音磁带,学生听。可能的标题是
- Anything to do with old myths and legends fascinates me. 任何与上古神话传说有关的东西都会使我着迷。
- How do text and pictures get into a computer? 文本和图片是怎么输进计算机的?
- Watermark supports text and image. 水印支持文字、图片方式。
- text and legend 文本与传说
- In mythology and legend, a man, often of divine ancestry, who is endowed with great courage and strength, celebrated for his bold exploits, and favored by the gods. 古代神话和传说中半神式的英雄神话和传说中有神圣血统的,具有巨大的勇气和力量的人,因其英勇的行为而闻名,并受众神青睐
- After all,it contains two media: text and graphics(the figures). 毕竟,它包含两种媒体:文本和图形(插图)。
- This dissertation includes foreword, main text and conclusion. 论文包括前言、正文和结语三个部分。
- Wan Chai district - its relics and legends. 湾仔区古迹与掌故。