- temperature stabilizer system 温度稳定系统
- High Frequency and Temperature Stability. 高频及高温稳定。
- Temperature stabilizator: temperature stabilizer can guarantee that a super to plate temperature of machinrey so as to avoid the press not precise. 温度稳定器:温度稳定器能够保证超霸直接制版机内的温度恒定,防止出现套准不精确的情况。
- Fin stabilizer system was designed using the technique of auto-disturbance rejection controller(ADRC) to guarantee good roll reduction in different operational states. 为了保证减摇系统在各种工况下都能获得理想的减摇效果;基于自抗扰控制(ADRC)方法进行了减摇控制系统的研究.
- In order to reduce power consumption of uncooled infrared focal plane arrays , the readout circuit of temperature stabilizer eliminated thermoelectric coolers(TEC)was studied. 摘要 为了降低非制冷红外焦平面阵列的功耗,研究了去除热电制冷器(TEC)等温度稳定装置的读出电路。
- The H10 uses the same stabilization system as its predecessor. 有关的H10使用相同的稳定系统,作为它的前身。
- With its Tactical Cruise Missiles, the Flapjack has almost twice the range and firepower of the Lobo.It also features heavier armor and a stabilizer system that allows it to fire when on the move. 依靠着它所发射的战术巡航导弹;煎饼的射程近乎达到了大灰狼的两倍之远.;而且它还装备了更好的装甲和让它能一边移动一边发射的稳定器
- The temperature compensation structure has the advantages of small volume, easy to be fabricated, and it can meet the demand of temperature stability in the communication system. 本文所研制的温度补偿结构体积小,易于制作,可以满足对光纤光栅温度稳定性要求较高的光纤通信系统等领域的需要。
- The paper describes laser beam modulation and stabilizing system with an AOM. 主要论述了采用一个声光调制器同时实现激光光束调制与激光功率稳定的系统。
- After a broadband light source passes through separate Bragg grating,the synthesized light source,which a temperature stabilizer controls the stability of wavelengths,is obtained. 利用宽带光源经不同的布喇格光栅得到一种由温度稳定器控制波长稳定性的合成光源。
- Furthermore, the addition of the XDS electronic stability system provides greater driving comfort and safety. 此外,增加了XDS电子稳定系统提供了更大的驾驶舒适性和安全性。
- The xanthan gum is important because it has higher temperature stability than guar gum. 黄烷胶很重要,因为它比古尔胶在较高温度时更稳定。
- The optical image stabilization system is very useful to ensure smooth framing when filming at longer focal lengths. 光学图像稳定系统是非常有益的,以确保可顺利诬陷,当拍摄更长的焦距。
- Analysis on the Phase Charcteristics and Temperature Stability of Double Tuned Circuits. 双调谐电路的相位特性及其温度稳定分析。
- The rear wheels do not drop one in the first turn and when the stability system intervenes, it is quiet and undramatic. 后轮在第一个转弯中从不拖后腿,当平衡系统介入时,它是安静而平淡无奇的。
- In addition, the temperature stability of the bearing and premature seal failure should be taken into consideration. 此外,还应考虑轴承的温度稳定性和过早出现密封件故障。
- The stabilizing system of the spine consists of passive, active and neutral control subsystems. 脊柱的稳定系统由被动系统、主动系统和神经控制系统组成。
- The construction of the BFM-910 indicator uses components with a long-term time and temperature stability. 建造BFM-910显示器使用的部件使用寿命长且温度稳定性好。
- The purpose of the paper is to design the linear memoryless state feedback decentralized controllers stabilized system. 本文的目的是设计无记忆分散控制器镇定被控系统。
- Excellent oxidation resistance and high temperature stability, extending elongate. 极佳的抗氧化及高温稳定性,延长换油周期。