- He spent his last years in a home for the aged. 他最後的几年是在养老院度过的。
- What are the special tasks for the special forces? 特种部队有那些特殊任务呢?
- Lists specific tasks for the Recycle Bin. 列出回收站的特定任务。
- He assigned them tasks for the day. 他分派给他们当天的工作。
- What are the ecial tasks for the ecial forces? 特种部队有那些特殊任务呢?
- That is our task for the next four years. 这就是今后四年我们的任务。
- He spent his last year in a home for the aged. 他最后的几年是在养老院度过的。
- No easy task for the man from Leicester. 可对来自来彻斯特的新警长来说,工作并不好做。
- What an unromantic season for the age of 15! 那是一个多么没有浪漫的十五岁的季节啊!
- Miss Green is bound up in her work for the aged. 格林女士热衷于她为老人服务的工作。
- The tasks for the present are those urgently demanded by the war. 当前的工作是战争所迫切地要求的一些工作。
- Application software performs specific tasks for the user. 应用软件为用户完成具体的任务;
- That's a general account of our tasks for the future. 大体前景就是这样。
- The secretary assigned us the tasks for the period ahead. 书记向我们布置了下一阶段的任务。
- The wizard failed to upload %1 of %2 tasks for the Tasks view. 向导无法为 任务 视图上载 %252 任务的 %251。
- We have to leave that difficult task for the director to do. 我们不得不把那件困难的工作留给主任去做。
- At the age of 65,he hung up his hat for the last time. 到了65岁,他终于退休了。
- It's almost a hopeless task for the missionaries here. 这里的传教士简直没法完成任务。
- They met for the first time at the age of thirty-nine. 最著名的故事是daphne Goodship和芭芭拉?赫伯特
- His taste of books was a little too just for the age he lived in. 对于他那个时代来说,他那欣赏趣味未免有点儿曲高和寡。