- taken up her indentures v. 学徒期满
- take up her indentures vi. 学徒期满
- took up her indentures v. 学徒期满
- She has many activities that take up her time when she's not working. 她除了工作之外还有许多活动占去了她的时间。
- Eleanor took up her book resolutely. 爱莉娜坚定地拿起书来。
- Taking up her camera, she adjusted the aperture. 她端起照相机,调了一下光圈。
- She took up her book and put it down again at once. 她拿起她在看的书,又立刻把它放下来。
- She is perfecting her Arabic before taking up her job in Cairo. 她在去开罗任职前,一直在进修她的阿拉伯文。
- Then she took up her job as a doctor in the countryside. 这时她在农村开始干医务工作。
- She's perfecting her Arabic before taking up her job in Cairo. 她在去开罗任职前,一直在进修她的阿拉伯文。
- She is perfecting her Arabic before taking up her job in Cairo . 她在去开罗任职前,一直在进修她的阿拉伯文。
- Her vicious aunt forcibly took up her house and treated her badly. 狠毒的婶娘霸占了兄嫂的家,就苦待起侄女来。
- She said, however, that the cognac was flattered, and took up her knitting. 不过她仍然说那是过奖了,然后又打起毛线来。
- Her time is fully taken up with writing. 她的时间都用於写作了。
- She has almost nobody to take up for her. 她几乎没有人支持。
- I have taken up her hand to seem as if expert's appearance takes a look on that again and again , her doctrine very disgraceful , has watched unnecessarily. 我拿起她的手好似专家的样子看了又看,她说太难看了,不必看了。
- Mary's taken up with a man old enough to be her father. 玛丽和一个年龄大得足以做她父亲的男人混在一起。
- She thought of brushing up her shorthand. 她想到要复习一下过去学过的速记术。
- My time was taken up by a lot of trifles. 我的时间都给一些琐事占去了。
- Frank has taken up with Lucy lately. 弗兰克最近经常与露西往来。