- You have to take your hat off to Uncle George, for he knows how to do business. 你必须向乔治叔叔脱帽致敬,他懂得如何做生意。
- You have to take your hat off to Wolves GM Kevin McHale for once. 你必须要向森林狼的总经理麦克海尔致敬。
- take your hat off to vt. 向致敬(对表示钦佩)
- I must take my hat off to you for your good show. 我得为你的出色表演向你致敬。
- taken your hat off to v. 向致敬(对表示钦佩)
- TAKING your hat off at the door may seem like a throwback to a more genteel age. 进门脱帽的礼节仿佛一下子让时光倒流,回到了人人都彬彬有礼的年代。
- took your hat off to v. 向致敬(对表示钦佩)
- I must take my hat off to you for your good show . 我得为你的出色表演向你致敬。
- Take your hat off. 脱下你的帽子。
- I must say I take my hat off to him. 我得说我对他真是敬佩。
- I take my hat off to him as a tennis player. 我承认他是一个卓越的网球选手。
- I take my hat off to him for the way he arranged the party. 我对他安排社交聚会的方式表示佩服。
- I must take my hat off to you for your wonderful performance. 我对你出色的表演表示敬意。
- And the great thing is that, when you take your luni-tunes hat off, and just settle down.It becomes all quite and comfortable. 最棒的是当你松下油门让速度慢下来时,它会变得非常的安静和舒适。
- Take your hat and come along with us.""I guess you'll pay for this, Captain Marvin," said McGinty. 因为酒喝多了,头有些胀痛,臂膀烙伤处也肿胀起来隐隐作痛。
- You have to take hat off to Uncle George, for he knows how to do business. 你必须向乔治叔叔脱帽致敬,他懂得如何做生意。
- They are never out of the game. Though we are disappointed we conceded the goal, you have to take your hat off. That is what champions do. 他们永远不会放弃比赛。虽然我们很失望,我们被进了球,但你必须摘下帽子来。那就是一个冠军所能做到的。
- I take my hat off to anyone who can win an argument with Mrs Thirsk. 我对任何能在辩论中胜过索斯克夫人的人表示钦佩。
- Take off your hat to your yesterdays. 向昨日挥手告别。
- You have to take hat off to uncle George,for he know how to do business. 你必须向乔治叔叔脱帽致敬,他懂得如何做生意。