- This new-type machine takes up little room. 这台新型机器占地很少。
- Our sleeping bag take up less room than the bulkier sleeping bag, so you don't have to sacrifice any of you stuff. 我公司的睡袋比笨重地行军床占用的空间要小,您不必放弃您的任何东西。
- While in use or stowed away, the system takes up little room assuring minimal obstruction for the driver while looking in the rearview mirror. 无论是使用或折叠,这套系统都不占多少空间,确保司机在回望后视镜时无大碍。
- The lean profile literally takes up less room, reducing jostles, frictions, and travel stress. It also simplifies enroute decisions. 轻松的行装就意味着占用更少的空间、减少碰撞、摩擦以及旅行负担。也会减少你旅行中的决定。
- take up little room 占地很少
- To be mounted to the wall; takes up little space in the room. 安装在墙上;几乎不占居室空间。
- Hit the tin flat with a hammer. Then they will take up less space. 用锤子将罐头盒砸扁,这样它们占的地方就小了。
- One of the key benefits of this feature is that PivotTable row labels take up far less room on your screen, so that there is much more room for your numbers. 这个特征的主要好处就是在你的屏幕中数据透视表的行标签占据更少的空间,所以有更多的空间让你放置你的数据。
- Folding tables and chairs take up less space when they are not used. 折叠桌椅不用时占据空间较小。
- When a snapshot is taken, the sparse file takes up little disk space. 创建快照时,稀疏文件占用的磁盘空间很少。
- This curving design also takes up less space of the room it encroaches. 这种弧形楼梯设计占地也比较少,比起直上直下的楼梯设计,看上去空间显得更大。
- Take up less than container load cargo and arrange for clients to take part load traffic to groupage port, apply to the customs and sign and issue bills of lading. 承接拼箱货物,为客户安排零担运输至拼装港口进行拼装,报关及签发提单;
- Archived files take up less disk space than uncompressed files, so archiving is useful for making backup copies of your data or sending information over the Internet. 归档文件占用的磁盘空间比未压缩文件少,所以归档文件对于创建数据的备份副本和通过Internet发送信息是很有用的。
- She lives in a grotty little room with nowhere to cook. 她住在一间龌龊的斗室内,连做饭的地方都没有。
- Once the folder is compressed, it will take up less space, yet it will still be accessible for Windows File Protection operations and the installation of optional components. 一旦文件夹压被压缩了,它将少占用空间,然而它仍然可以被Windows文件保护操作和可选组件安装程序访问。
- She works in a dismal little room in the attic. 她在阁楼上的一间阴暗的小房间里工作。
- The little room was almost bare of furniture. 这个小房间几乎没有什么家俱。
- ABSTRACT: In large cities the lands are more costful, so that lofty dwelling houses are necessary because they take up less lands and the using rate of lands is high. 摘要:由于高层住宅占地少,土地利用率高,因此在寸土寸金的大中城市里高层住宅是必不可少的。
- Those glabrous and shapely pearls take up less than 20% of the total.And the top quality is less than 1%.Dragon’s Pearl always chooses the high quality pearls. 表皮光洁透亮、外形匀称的珍珠仅占一个珍珠养殖场产量的不到两成,而完美无暇的珍珠更是在1%25以下,龙之珍珠只选用上好的原珠进行加工。
- They were up in her little room. 他们在楼上她的小房间里。