- take my change out of vt. 对 ... 报复
- taken my change out of v. 对 ... 报复
- took my change out of v. 对 ... 报复
- I take my wallet out of my pocket. 我从口袋里拿出钱包。
- Let me take my camera out of my backpack. 让我把相机从我的背包里拿出来。
- I take my notebook out of my drawer. 我采取我的笔记本在我的抽屉外面。
- Take my heel, make achilles out of me... 拿走我的脚后跟,取出我的跟腱。。。
- I'm sure he took my parking space just out of spite. 我认为他侵占我的停车位肯定是有意和我作对。
- She rummaged some change out of her purse. 她从钱包里翻出了一些零钱。
- I want to take my passport out of the safety deposit box. 我想把我的护照从保险箱里拿出来。
- I have to change out of these dirty clothes. 我得脱换这身脏衣服。
- You need to change out of those wet things. 你该把那些湿衣服换掉。
- I got no change out of the operator. 我从接线员那里打听不到任何消息。
- You'll get no change out of this stone-hearted man. 你得不到这个铁石心肠的男人的帮助。
- He took my best toy just out of spite! 他仅仅出于怨恨拿走了我最好的玩具!
- He took my books out of my schoolbag. 他把我的书从我书包里拿出来。
- Sure. Just a minute. Let me take my camera out of my backpack. 没问题。稍等一下。让我把相机从我的背包里拿出来。
- Go and change out of those wet clothes into something dry. 去把那些湿衣服脱下来,换上干的。
- I am sure he took my parking space just out of spite. 我很肯定他是为了泄愤才抢我的停车位。
- Formerly cautious to the point of being uncommunicative, my companions had changed out of recognition. 我们的同伴们过去谨小慎微得几乎不开口说话,可现在他们变得判若他人了。