- take her colour from vt. 仿效(摹仿; 照 ... 的样子行事)
- taken her colour from v. 仿效(摹仿; 照 ... 的样子行事)
- took her colour from v. 仿效(摹仿; 照 ... 的样子行事)
- A holiday would help to take her out of herself. 她要是去度假就能散散心。
- She said she would take her revenge on Tom. 她说她要向汤姆报仇。
- It'll take her time to recover from the illness. 她康复需要时间。
- Here is Rebecca herself; Take her and go. 利百加在这里,带她走吧。
- Here she is: take her and be gone. 喏,你把她带走吧。
- Despair bled all colour from his fantasies. 绝望使他的幻想黯然失色。
- He buy her trinket and take her to the theater. 他给她购买小装饰品并带她去看戏。
- He promised to take her for better or worse. 他答应不管怎样都要娶她。
- Her colour rose a little at the implication. 这句话的隐喻使她涨红了脸。
- Her colour came and went as she listened. 她一面听一面脸色忽红忽白。
- The sight was so horrible that Laura changed colour from fear. 这景象如此可怕,劳拉不由大惊失色。
- Don't take her too seriously. She is only flirting with you. 别和她认真,她只是与你调情罢了。
- Cherries vary in colour from almost black to yellow. 樱桃的颜色由近乎黑到黄各不相同。
- He coaxed her into letting him take her to the cinema. 他哄她同意带她去看电影。
- She's just started it'll take her a week or two to learn the ropes. 她是新手--要用一两个星期的时间熟悉情况。
- In this way the Fauves freed colour from its tradition. 解放了传统对色彩的束缚。
- Her colour came up, a heavy rage came over her like a dark cloud. 一股怒火象乌云一般涌上心头。她满脸通红。