Measures of tactical defence are meaningless if they are divorced from their role of giving either direct or indirect support to an offensive. 战术上的防御手段,离开直接或间接协助进攻,则毫无意义。
It almost certainly pays more attention to the ideological and tactical advice it receives from Iran, its chief armourer and mentor. 它更倾向于受伊朗的意识形态的影响,及接受其战术上的指导,毕竟伊朗现在是真主党的主要武器供应者及战略指导者。
Players can collect weapons props play tactical advantage to attack. 玩家可通过收集的使坏道具做武器发挥战术性的攻击优势。
He finds less space in Italy compared to Europe where it is less tactical. 在和欧洲赛场相比他在意甲的发挥空间比较少,因为在着要求的战术性不如在欧洲赛场那么多。
It was going to be a tactical race.
Lowe's first..tactical mistake was to announce in a letter.