- A sudden surge in the current make the light fuse. 电压突然增加烧断了保险丝而使电灯熄灭。
- A sudden surge in the current made the lights fuse. 电压突然增加烧断了保险丝而使电灯熄灭.
- Like the recent surge in gasoline prices. 就像最近的石油价格不断猛涨一样。
- This week saw yet another surge in animal spirits. 本周,收购热潮又有新高涨。
- Why is late Picasso enjoying a surge in demand? 为什么毕加索晚期作品大受欢迎?
- Organ websites reflect a surge in the number of Good Samaritans. 器官网站上涌现出许多乐善好施的人。
- The surge in Iraq has coincided with tougher action against Iran. 增兵计划在伊拉克付诸实施的时机,恰逢美国对伊朗立场进一步强硬化。
- We are having trouble keeping up with the recent surge in demand. 对于近来出现的需求猛增,我们难以应对。
- There's a surge in electricity demand at around 7 pm. 晚上7点钟左右是用电高峰时间.
- But the most hopeful sign is the surge in bank lending. 但是最能说明问题的还是银行贷款的激增。
- All of a sudden, there is a broad surge in student movements. 一时间,各地的学生运动骤起。
- Every day water with wasted surged in, this river smells terrible. 每天,大量废水倾入河里,气味难闻。
- Application and Dissemination of Double-Vortex Seal in Pipeline Pump. 双螺旋密封在长输油泵上的推广应用
- The great Atlantic rollers surged in. 大西洋的巨浪翻滚到岸边。
- The vessel at anchor surged in the heavy sea. 那停泊着的船在大浪中颠簸。
- There's a surge in electricity demandat around 7 pm. 晚上7点钟左右是用电高峰时间。
- There is no need of bottom valve in pipeline, only to ensure certain priming oil in pump body before work. 管路中不需底阀,工作前只需保证泵体内储有定量引油即可。
- Preliminary study is made of the major aspocts involved in pipeline transportation of CWM. 文中对水煤浆管道输送涉及到的几个方面进行了初步研究。
- The barrels were broken, the beer surged in. 啤酒桶被打破了,啤酒溢了出来。
- XBD-ZLG(ZLW) fire pumps are mainly used for pressurized water supply in pipeline for fire control system. 型消防泵主要用于消防系统管道增压送水。