- A surface defect in paper. Alternative terms: blisters; foam marks. 中义纸张的表面缺陷,参考字:气泡痕迹。
- Surface defects on this ABS part were caused by an improperly shaped gate. 这个ABS工件的表面缺陷由浇口的形状设计不当引起。
- The surface defects decrease the nanowire's energy transport capability. 当纳米线表面存在缺陷时,其热传导系数小于无缺陷纳米线的值。
- Surface defect and macrostructure of high carbon steel billet were analyzed. 介绍了铸坯相关表面缺陷及低倍组织,提出了质量控制措施及方案。
- Some surface defects in the EOM of the compresser blades made of titanium alloys are also discussed. 初步讨论了钛合金压气机叶片在电解加工中出现的一些表面缺陷问题。
- Cause to Breakout ofContinuous Casting Billetand Surface Defects and Counter Measure. 使铸坯表面产生凹坑,浇注控流、脱氧不良引起水口结。
- On slightly corrected leathers fastness and natural aspect are improved, many surface defects are hidden. 用于轻修面革,可以遮盖表面伤残,保持自然观感。
- The reasons causing surface defects such as scab, rat tail, buckle and so on, and their prevention measures were described. 摘要叙述结疤、鼠尾、沟槽等表面缺陷的产生原因及防止方法。
- In recent years, the lock-in thermography technology has been increasingly used in NDT for surface defects. 近几年,锁相热成像技术已经越来越多地用于近表面缺陷无损检测。
- Ultrasonic testing not only examines the inner defects but also the inner surface defects. 超声检测既要检测部件内部又要兼顾内表面缺陷的检测。
- The"pocks"is one of the most important surface defects in extruded aluminium alloy. “麻面”是影响铝合金挤压材表面质量的主要缺陷之一。
- Cracks leading to spalling were initiated at surface defects and boundaries between nitriding layes and the core. 导致剥落的疲劳裂纹开始于表面缺陷和氮化层与心部交界处。
- Exterior measurement includes specification and size, surface defect, and sewing requirement. 外观质量包括规格尺寸及公差、表面疵点、缝制要求。
- Surface defects in ceramic bearing balls may significantly affect ball strength and reduce rolling contact fatigue lifetime. 陶瓷轴承球的表面缺陷会严重降低球的强度和滚动接触疲劳寿命。
- In this paper an investigation has been made into rail surface defects by way of metallographical test and electronic probe test. 采用金相检验和电子探针的方法,对钢轨表面缺陷进行了检验分析。
- The causes and preventive measures of surface defects of accropodes are analyzed,and main points in controlling surface quality of precast accropodes. 分析扭王字块表面缺陷的成因及防治对策,阐述预制扭王字块体表观质量的控制要点。
- Zinc content in the alloy above 0. 05% consistently resulted in an unacceptable surface defect as galvanizing. 锌含量低于0.05%25时,型材一般不发生雪花状腐蚀。
- Surface defect detection is important to ensure the utility,integrality,and security of the products. 产品表面缺损检测对保证产品的使用性能、完整性和安全性具有重要意义。
- With the augmentation of grain size, surface defects of the manganese zinc ferrite nanocrystallines minish, and intergranular free volume combines. 随着粒径的增大,纳米晶的表面缺陷减小,晶界间的自由体积发生复合。
- The morphology of the surface defects of cold rolled stainless steel strip aud the cause of formation of them have been reported. 本文阐述了不锈冷轧带钢表面缺陷的形貌及其成因,并根据形貌及产生原因归纳成六种表面缺陷。