- I supplement my grant by working in the evenings. 我除享受助学金外还打夜工以增加收入。
- She gives private lessons to supplement her income. 她给私人授课以贴补收入。
- We know a lot about the structure of genes now. 如今我们对基因的结构有了较多的了解。
- How do parents pass genes on to their offspring? 父母是怎样把基因遗传给自己的子女的?
- The money I got was a useful supplement to my ordinary income. 我得到的那笔钱是很管用的外快。
- I supplement my scholarship by working in the evening. 我除了享受奖学金外还打夜工以增加收入。
- supplementary genes 补加基因
- She got a part-time job to supplement the family income. 她找了一个兼职工作以补充家庭收入。
- The story first appeared in the Times Literary Supplement. 这个短篇小说第一次是发表在《泰晤士报文学副刊》上的。
- Genes are transmitted from one generation to another. 基因代代相传。
- This journal has a supplementary issue this week. 这本杂志本星期有一增刊。
- Genes are the smallest units of heredity. 基因是遗传的最小单位。
- A supplementary grant may be awarded at the discretion of the committee. 委员会可能酌情追加一笔补助金。
- She satisfies the work of supplementary property. 她满足于辅助性的工作。
- Genes can only be knocked out in a single cell. 基因的去除只有在单个细胞中才能进行。
- I never refuse odd jobs to supplement my income it's all grist to the mill. 我为增加收入,对于做零活总是来者不拒--多多益善。
- I am passing on my genes to my children. 我把我的基因传递给我的孩子们。
- We draw a supplementary D/P draft if necessary. 如果必要的话,我们可开立付款交单汇票来补足。
- It applies to duplicate recessive genes. 它适用于双隐性基因。
- It can be modified by nuclear restorer genes. 它可由核中的恢复子基因所改变。