shallowness in terms of affecting only surface layers of something;
"he ignored the wound because of its superficiality"
用作名词 (n.)
Superficiality is the terrible enemy of an article. 肤浅是文章的大敌。
His rapidity in establishing inter-personal relations tends to be matched by the superficiality of such relations. 他建立个人之间关系的迅速,往往同这种关系的肤浅相一致。
I've got an idea they'll seem to get the very superficiality in a few years. 我认为几年后他们就会变得非常浅薄。
With the rapid development of our society,our circumstances and life are faced with more dangers of fickleness and superficiality. 在人类社会飞速发展的今天,我们的环境和生活面临着更为浮躁和浅薄的危险。